Maybe 1-2 times a year from over drinking. Last time I threw up from food poisoning or some other illness besides drinking was probably 8 years ago.

I believe most typical OTC pain medications (Motrin, Advil, Tylenol) are available in liquid form. They are usually branded and dosed for children, but you’d probably be fine just adjusting the dosage to match your usual dose. You should also look into getting a heating pad. They are very soothing to me, I just stick it in the microwave for a few seconds and the warmth helps my cramps a lot!

blonde!! It looked so natural on you, I didn’t even realize it was a filter at first.

I think you are justified in how you feel and I don’t think you’re the AH but I want to mention a few things. You say he’s been an incredible partner and in the beginning, and a wonderful father. You also mention the issues with his mother have only been going on for 1.5 months. I think what he’s doing is terrible, but I also think it’s fair to say he’s dealing with a lot of past trauma right now. I would hope my partner of nearly 10 years would not overlook everything we had built and gone through together over 1.5 months of a rough patch.

He clearly has unresolved issues surrounding his mother leaving that he needs to address with a professional. Also it doesn’t seem like his mother is making an effort to be part of the family. She either needs to be all in or all out. He will need to learn how to establish boundaries with her, but these things take time and I think all of you can benefit from establishing your needs with each other and counseling.

I think you’re totally justified in needing space and staying at your other property. Personally, I think divorce is a huge leap to make in this situation though. Emotions are running high right now, and divorce is a massive decision, expensive, and extremely stressful especially with a new baby. NTA, but make sure this is the route you want to take before making any major moves because there is no going back, and it sounds like you two had no issues prior to this. Best of luck.

It’s possible she did mislead you, but as a recent college grad it is not at all uncommon for courses to be moved online or hybrid last minute. This happened to me last semester and was incredibly frustrating for me to deal with. However at my school there was usually a period of time for partial refunds on enrollment, however she’d have to drop the class which could delay courses with pre-reqs and thus potentially delay graduation. In my opinion ESH. She should’ve told you but it’s very possible she’s not lying in her explanation and the punishment feels a bit harsh.

When my bf and I started dating he was farting in front of me pretty quickly but I was hiding them for about 6 months because I had never farted in front of a partner before. One night I got too drunk and he was holding my hair back while I was puking. All the farts I had been holding in for the past week of staying with him were firing off in quick succession and he was laughing his ass off. Needless to say after that there was no reason for me to hold back anymore.

If it’s the flusher that has a bar I use my foot. If it’s a traditional handle that you would find in your home, I use my hands. I’m washing my hands anyways as soon as I exit the stall and we touch more disgusting things on a daily basis so it doesn’t really bother me.

Option 3 and then choose my superpowers to be options 1&2 in addition to teleportation

I’ve always loved the name Cora for a girl, but he really dislikes it. I understand it’s a little unconventional but it still stings! For a boy I loved the name Caleb as well but he’s not a fan of that either :(

Flush the poop first, then follow the two wipe rule. After every 2 wipes, flush and you likely won’t have clogging issues anymore. Wipe for as long as your comfortable with because I understand wanting nothing left on the paper. The only thing this will help in terms of time spent in the bathroom, is that you won’t be spending time trying to unclog a toilet. If it’s always really messy, make an effort to incorporate more fiber and water into your diet. This should lead to more regular, clean movements which can help ensure a “clean exit” and less time spent wiping. Happy pooping! Edit: also make sure you’re folding your toilet paper, don’t just crumple it into a hall. You don’t need to use a lot either, the folded stack of paper should be about four layers thick, less if it’s a quilted brand of toilet paper. I hate the thick quilted “charmin-esque” brands because I find they just push everything around and make more of a mess. I suggest investing in some rolls of Scott or something thing less thick for your own personal use.

Is she tracking her food intake at all? Eating at home doesn’t necessarily equate to eating healthy. It’s shocking to see just how many calories one can consume even if they don’t feel they are eating that much, especially if they have become accustomed to eating larger portions. It might be a good idea for her to speak with a doctor or nutritionist and establish a calorie goal she can stick to and track her intake for a month or two. If at that point she is still noticing no change, it’s worth looking into possible medical conditions such as a thyroid dysfunction/PCOS as a potential cause for the difficulty losing weight.

I used it for movie recommendations by telling it about preferred genres and previous movies my bf and I have enjoyed.

I don’t think they age you at all, I think they’re really pretty! I agree with some of the commenters that some long layers and framing around your face would look nice, as well as experimenting with other parting methods and styles!

I personally love them, and am very thankful my bf hates them so he can give them to me :)

Yes for sure. I always look my hottest while I’m ovulating, and then it’s downhill from there til I’m about halfway through my period.

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as getting a good bounce going on the orbs where you can see them get used up entirely. So much value!

Same, love her kit! I have so much fun finding new ridiculous pylon spots, and I feel like my aim has improved so much after playing her for a while.

I realize you two are young, but I think it’s a bit odd that she can’t think through these scenarios herself and determine what is appropriate and what is not. The first event you described of her blowing you off after class, does she understand why you were upset? Although you didn’t mention exactly what was said, I figured the root of the conflict is that she had plans with you, and then ghosted leaving you panicked. I don’t find that controlling, I think it’s normal to worry about your partner when they had planned to meet up with you and don’t show. I can’t understand why her takeaway from that situation was to distance herself from the group, when it doesn’t matter what she was doing in that instance, it matters that she failed to communicate with you.

Also, you’ve been together for a while, I think it’s appropriate for you to mingle with her friends as well since you’re a large part of her life. It doesn’t sound like you’d be “intruding” on girls night or something like that. And while she should have free time with just her friends, as someone who has been in a long term relationship, I’m often excited to introduce my S.O. to my new friends when it is appropriate and they are excited to meet him as well. Again that is different than bringing your partner to something that’s not appropriate i.e. girls nights, dinners to catch up with old friends, events where headcount matters or you were not welcome to join.

In the case of her going to a guy’s house solo to watch an anime, personally I wouldn’t be cool with it. We all know the phrase “Netflix and chill” and while I don’t want to imply that guys and girls can’t be friends, you make it sound like this is a relatively new friendship and it doesn’t seem clear what feelings her friend might have for her. Also I would be kind of bummed if my S.O watched a show we were watching together without me because then we aren’t on the same episodes anymore. Would it be appropriate for her to invite you to this hangout too? Do her friends know about you or have you met any of them?

Maybe talk to your fiancé about including your niece as a flower girl or involve her somehow in the ceremony. Then before the reception have a sitter take her back to the hotel or wherever your family will be staying so she can be looked after, and no one will have to worry about her at the reception. That way you can still see her and have her involved in the day, but keep her separated from the more adult portions of the event. I think that could be a fair compromise, especially since you say she is well behaved, I find it unlikely she would have any issues during they ceremony as they are quite short compared to everything else. In my experience attending weddings, I think it is safer and more enjoyable to have an adults only reception, because people are drinking, dancing, etc. and it can be a safety issue and less enjoyable to have to look after a child during that portion of the event. Hopefully you can work something out!