Latest Lifer: american redstart

celebrating successes is a great way to offset some of the inevitable negativity that comes with environmental education. this year i learned:

  • the scimitar-horned oryx was downlisted to endangered after successful breeding and reintroduction efforts, after over 20 years of being extinct in the wild

  • back in the 70s some conservationists decided to try to save the american chestnut tree after a non-native disease nearly wiped them out. they started by crossing them with another chestnut from the same region as the disease (which has a natural resistance to it) and have been crossing it back until the trees are 15/16ths american chestnut but with resistance to the blight. so far they're doing well.

  • bobcats and bald eagles are making a recovery in my state (new jersey)

  • a giant conservation center is being built in the u.s. and will help breed various critically endangeted species, including the somali wild ass, bongo antelope, and addax

it's easy to feel down about the bad stuff. remember to take a deep breath and focus on what you can do. also to take a step back and remember that your mental health is important too.

i don't either, and it was a major reason i thought it couldn't be adhd for a long time. eventually i realized it was just how i've been coping with a lot of the symptoms. an organized space keeps the visual clutter down so i don't get overstimulated as easily, and it's easy to leave visual reminders for myself - all i have to do is leave something out of place and i immediately notice it and remember what i need to do. i write everything down too. it's frustrating though. i have to put so much energy into this system to compensate and do what a lot of people can just do with no effort.

you can't change her, but you also don't have to accept this treatment. especially once you're an adult. don't let anyone convince you you have to keep her in your life once you move out just because you're related.

what your mom is doing is a manipulation tactic. she isn't communicating clear expectations and reacting according to if or not you meet them - she's angry that you didn't scramble to do what she asked as soon as she asked it. the goal here is to keep you anxious and confused so the next time she asks you to do something you do it as soon as possible. at which point she'll start asking for other things too. and complaining no matter how well you do it or how fast.

i'm sorry btw. you deserve a better parent.


same haha. when they all get going it's pretty impressive.

they're a summer visitor to your state (mine too!). i love them and miss them when they leave.

they can be a bit difficult to spot but ime they're often at eye level when they're singing. the main thing is they're shy and will fly off if you get too close for their liking.

did anyone else read this as an "eat hot chip and lie" list?

they're finally replacing it with the turkey but it's a letdown tbh. i wanted that to be our national bird when birds were real. now that they're all drones tf does it matter.

i didn't realize that was already happening in the 70s. ugh.

i wonder how many people here have seen little miss sunshine (2006). seems like a good rec for bojack fans :)

it's a pretty common harassment tactic for manipulative / controlling parents to call the police on their adult children. if they're smart enough to know filing a false report is a crime they usually opt for the role of concerned parents and call in a wellness check.

i second brown / norwegian rat. also i've had the domestic variety as pets and can confirm that they do hop, especially in grass. i assume because it's easier to get around.

Latest Lifer: american redstart

yesss these are good

when the set starts and you're unexpectedly in the pit

Latest Lifer: american redstart

one of those "would have been viral on lolcats with a caption that said something like 'invisible skateboard'" back in the day lol

people have already given a lot of helpful tips and asked questions to clarify some things, so i'll try to just add the stuff i didn't see.

before you start cleaning, do what you have to do to prepare. eat something, preferably a balanced snack with carbs, protein, fat, and fiber. i like a scoop of peanut butter mixed with raisins and chocolate chips :) if a little background noise helps you focus, put on a favorite album or playlist, tv show, movie, etc. if noise distracts you maybe turn everything off and get an aromatherapy oil diffuser going instead. optional: put away any clean dishes from the dishwasher (if you have one) and load dirty ones.

you'll probably want to focus on one room at a time, especially if you need more than one session. the bedroom is usually the best room to start with, but any room you spend a lot of time in is a good option.

start with the trash and dishes. get a garbage bag and go around collecting all the trash. then collect any dirty dishes and take them to the kitchen. you can load them in the dishwasher if you like. you can also leave them in the sink to soak while you clean. and remember - if your dishwasher struggles to fully clean caked-on food, you're allowed to run it twice ;)

the details from here out kinda depend on what room you're cleaning. for a bedroom i recommend starting with clothes. collect all clothes and either put them away or in the dirty clothes hamper (if it's full, find a place out of the way and make an overflow pile).

if you encounter anything that doesn't belong in the bedroom, take it to its room (if you have a large home you can make a pile for each room and take it all at once).

this should help get the mess under control. i can add more about maintenance if you like.

good luck!

same. i've had spiders fall out of hung-up clothes and curtains (never a brown recluse though) and it always gets my heart rate up lol. i love spiders and have since i was a little kid.

i would have been freaked out too. this is pretty much the way people get bit by this species.

diagnosis isn't official but i'm trying to get an evaluation, and my doctors have ruled out / are ruling out other explanations. they agree it seems like a distinct possibility. some of my symptoms / traits present in a way that's more consistent with unmasking than with trauma so i don't think it's from abuse.