1. Even if he was, he’s not killing them, he’s simply giving them a beating then moves on.

  2. Above point.

  3. No? There’s no reason for James to have done that? Even if in the dialogue we’ve seen between James and Gun after Cheonliang, James kept the stuff about Seongi to himself.

  4. How disingenuous do you have to be to come to the conclusion that James was referring to Gitae? We literally see flashbacks of James fighting Seongi prior to that statement. This aligns with Seongi being the first person to surpass James as he excelled more than anyone else. Gitae wasn’t with them, he was already on his way to fight Jichang.

Gun doesn’t bluff? So why’d he make all those statements above killing the 2nd Gen, yet all he did was beat them up? Secondly, he wouldn’t even know how strong Seongi is. If you want to make a case through James, James quite literally says he never knew someone as strong as Seongi could’ve existed whilst having knowledge of who Mujin was (and most likely the general consensus during the 0 gen that Mujin was Gapyrong’s equal).

Even when it’s heavily implied that Seongi surpassed Mujin?

It’s strange that you think Beyonder supposedly teared the House of Ideas when all he did was tear apart a metaphorical comic inside of it. That same Beyonder was verbatim stated to be an infinitesimal fraction of the Lost One who in turn was created by the Celestials, beings that are consistently below Eternity or on the same level.

Also, where’d you get the idea that CAS is weaker than current Superman 😂?

A robot that uses Superman’s narrative to fight

First contention is a bit weird, but good response

Reed would beat all of them with just the touch of his finger

You should replace the Knight with Future Princess and Add Miya. There’s no reason why you should replace Beth with Future Princess.

Stop being so vague… and also basically every member of the JLA can do this

Superman one taps all of them

Wonder Woman is NOT the strongest one

My point is that Tom isn’t making a statement about himself holding back. We know Goo is actually holding back as he forfeits using both his hands and resorts to using one-handed batto compared to the superior and more trained Kumdo Goo is known as a genius in.

Are you referring to Tom saying “Do you even know of my level?”

That doesn’t really prove that Tom was holding back lol, his statement was more of an ego thing because he was offended that Goo is purposely holding himself back whilst claiming that he’s going to Tom’s level. However, we see that the holding back Goo is able to contend equally with Tom.

Did it say Tom was holding back during the fight?

What is this based off of? If you’re referring back to the Goo vs Tom fight, it’s explicitly stated that Goo was holding back

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