When Jobs stepped down and was replaced by an operator in Tim Cook, the stock continued to soar. Sure they stopped innovating on the bleeding edge, but I imagine something similar will happen

2018 - tesla was worth about 60B. There were several market cap milestones to hit along the way, but the final one was that if the market cap hit 650B, he would get a stock award worth about 55B. Keep in mind most people thought this was a laughably high benchmark to hit and would make Tesla one of the largest companies in the world, back when they were struggling to even produce the first version of the model 3.

So, most thought, it’s a PR stunt, but if he actually pulls it off and increases the market cap 10x, shouldn’t he be compensated (via stock) a percentage of the increased value?

And then he actually did it 🤷‍♂️

Oh wow I didn’t even know that women’s NCAA is more popular than the WNBA, that’s wild. I guess that also gives more credibility to the argument that the WNBA isn’t more popular (and therefore the women get paid way less than the men) due to poor marketing.

I think any agent would be glad to have you as a potential client, but don’t expect too much proactive attention if you’re not actively looking and ready to write offers. Just keep an eye yourself (Zillow / Redfin) on properties that fit your preferences, and either go to the open house and speak to that listing agent about what you’re looking for (they will likely have similar properties coming up, esp if they’re part of a bigger brokerage).

In this market I feel like the value of the buy side agent is how much they can feel out what the offer situation is and have the reputation to get the listing agent to give you a chance at putting in the high offer.

You can call it sad and gross or you can get busy adjusting to the reality of the situation. It’s not just kids sports - the same mentality is applied to almost everything now. People can complain about inflation and how housing is unaffordable, or they can get busy and make more money. The rat race etc whatever you want to call it, tale as old as capitalism. Maybe you don’t want to put that effort into basketball, but what if your kid loves chess, debate, math, coding, art, music… you’re not gonna do everything you can to give them those opportunities? Yes it absolutely sucks but do you think you can continue to provide for your family when asshole realists like me outcompete you for limited resources?

Bay Area here, teams are providing a service to parents who want their kid to have a good sports experience. There are super competitive teams, there are large programs that cater to families that want the AAU experience but aren’t elite players, there are rec-level teams, all the way down. Can you with a straight face say your kid can make the local high school varsity team at age 16-17 out of 500+ boys, when he only plays rec-level ball as a kid? My 10 year old plays on a travel team (1 plane flight a season, rest are 1-2 hour drives), gets private training twice a week, strength and coordination training, plays 2 other complementary sports competitively - there is no freaking way any kid in his grade at school can possibly catch up to him unless he burns out (unlikely, he loves it), gets super hurt (possible), or the other kids become hyper athletic (also mostly a trained ability) or end up super tall (0.5%tile). Almost every other kid at this level is doing the same in some form or another.

This is the way of the world now, frankly the way we grew up and the way we learned sports isn’t really relevant in this generation. Luckily there are plenty of options for all levels (I wouldn’t expect Chicago to be any different), just don’t expect to compete with the A team if you put in B team effort.

PG: Jason Kidd / Gary Payton

SG: Allen Iverson / Sprewell

SF: Scottie Pippen / Mullins

PF: Barkley / Blake Griffin

C: Olajuwon / Rodman

Honorable mentions: Rasheed Wallace, Greg Oden, Glenn Robinson, Jermaine O’Neal, Ron Artest, Draymond


Unlikely. House 2 doors down just sold with many offers

:moons: 697 / 697 🦑

Let’s say on Coinbase theres coin ABC, currently trading at $10 on the open market. There are 5 coins of ABC for trade at this price. If I market buy 6 coins, I will buy up all 5 coins at $10, and my 6th coin will be one from the next price up, let’s say it’s $10.01. The market price of ABC is now $10.01.

Now let’s say I want to buy 1 million ABC coins. If I did a market order of that, I’d buy the 5 at $10, the X number at $10.01, $10.02… it’s likely that my order would spike up the price so much thereby screwing myself over since I acquired so many at a higher price. Therefore, since my order size is so big, I contact Coinbase directly - they offer an OTC service when the order size is large enough - and say, hey I want to acquire a million ABC at $10. Coinbase says sure, we got enough, that’ll cost $10 million plus a transaction fee. Because I acquired those coins off-market, the price on the open market is not affected.

It’s like that last scene in Limitless where he’s like “I see everything Carl…” even though he’s off the drug


I’m not even mad that was amazing lol

:moons: 697 / 697 🦑

If we follow what happened last bull cycle (echo bubble to 14k), when the news gets announced there will be a spike to 47-50k, tiktok will be calling to get in before 50k, then begins the slow grind down to 20k before 2024 halving bull market to 100k+

I’ve always wanted a camera with legit Leica glass (not this Xiaomi wannabe) and Apple software in a compact device. One can dream…

No, volume of stats usually beats out well roundedness in H2H


JB was a 40% FG non factor guy early on, and Kawhi took a few years to be productive (very raw as a rookie). TBH Ausar is probably further along as a rookie than either of them, but JB had that dawg and Kawhi had prime Pop / Duncan / Parker / Manu as the team leaders.

I mean based on past experience, the launch of the ETF next year could mark the high (but hype sell news situation, look for Coinbase to be a top app download) and we will absolutely tank, just in time for halving and a sustained run up. This would fall into the “echo bubble” narrative and all the retail that missed the last run / got burned on FTX / Celsius will be rushing in to make up lost ground. The last echo bubble (14k) went up right to yearly candle close and rejected - if a similar thing happens that’ll put us around 46-47k and then a dump to 20-25k (sweep prior range lows and bounce above bear market accumulation range) before 100k and beyond.

That’s the dream but is it still possible in 2024 and beyond? Seems like it’s impossible for restaurants these days to serve quality food, be affordable, and be properly staffed (pick 2)