
A few winters ago, a conservative acquaintance was talking about how uncomfortable he felt that he sometimes saw a homeless person near the area where he worked. He said "I hope he freezes to death tonight so I don't have to see him any more."

This is how they think. Doesn't matter at all what happens to them, just get 'em out of here.

If you're spending 17% of waking hours in the bathroom, you either need more fiber, or a doctor visit.

She told him where the closest weapon was (the bear spray). She didn't hear any screaming, and he was the one that took them to the hospital.

He didn't just run, he shut a dangerous dog in with his wife and two small children (including a baby). That's worse than doing nothing.

ADHD has been considered a disability by the ADA since 1973. You need a doctor way more up to date on your diagnosis.

Personally, I would point this out to them before I left. If their information is that out of date, you'd think they would have at least tried to brush up a little before trying to treat someone with that condition. Super unprofessional.


Celebrating independence from another country


The document officially declared the United States of America's independence from British rule

Can you enlighten us on which part of their comment misunderstood the reason for the holiday existing?

Not to mention how sick it is to claim a baby "loved" actively dying for an hour. It's entire short life was suffering, like WTF do you think it "enjoyed" about that?!

Yup, Sunday is regularly the worst day of the week to be waiting tables. I've worked at all kinds of restaurants, and it's always the case. So many entitled, literally "holier-than-thou" types, being rude AF and tipping like shit ("I gave God 10% today, you're sure as hell not getting more!").

I even got a "go to church" written in the tip line instead of a tip once. Bitch, I'm waiting on your stupid ass! Don't go out to eat on Sunday if you think people shouldn't be working on Sunday!

Wait until she learns about findoms!

(Financial domination, AKA people just send you money and you berate them for it. Don't even have to see them in person.)

Yup my parents can't wait for the end times. Even though they know all the supposed suffering it brings, and that it'll end any chance for more to be saved. Fuck everyone else, they're ready to go.

A friend of mine worked with disturbed kids, he said the ones that spread poop around (often on themselves) pretty much all had a history of having been sexually assaulted. :( Dunno if that still applies to adults, but there's definitely something wrong there.

Shit like this definitely increases the likelihood that we're all actually living in a simulation to near-certainty to me.

But that's probably just giving my fellow man way too much credit.

Literally the only question mine responds to, "Alexa, are you broken?" looool

Mine as well at around the same time.

All of mine are mostly non-responsive. I've gotten a random response or two, but repeating the same question again results in silence. They light up to the wake word, but then stay in "thinking" blue mode for a while before going off.

It's definitely something on Amazon's end, trying to access settings for my devices and other things on the app is resulting in generic error messages as well.

I think OP should do individual therapy first, it sounds like she's still processing a lot. Having him there is just going to muddy that, she needs to process her experience before she has mental bandwidth to try to take on whatever he was thinking and feeling, as well.

edit: I do think couple's therapy would be better than no therapy at all, I just feel like doing individual first would work better. Maybe for both of them separately, so he can process his reaction as well before they try to address it.

This exactly. Maybe it wasn't his "fault" that he ran (although the gate is another thing entirely), but now you've learned that he will leave you alone and defenseless when danger comes (he could have at least ran to the house and thrown the bear spray out the door before hiding in the house, even that would have been better). It's perfectly reasonable to not want that trait in a partner.

Not necessarily actually trying to get in his pants, could just like the attention and to want him to want to get in her pants. Some people get off on feeling wanted, some enjoy it even more if that attention comes from men who are "supposed" to be unavailable.

They've already laid the groundwork with all the "Antifa are terrorists" spin. They'll just label all the protestors terrorists, and our parents will go, "yeah, of course they're fighting back against terrorists! They're a threat to our country!"

Can you link a reference to a state and that law? I see lots about the default being split custody of some sort, and it's of course difficult to completely lose custody when you want it, but in cases where one parent wants full custody and the other doesn't want any? Doesn't seem like a bright idea to go against everyone's wishes to force the kids into a hostile and potentially neglectful environment.

Oh, he's "trying to unlearn" that habit? I'd start spraying him in the face with a water bottle or maybe sounding an air horn whenever he does it. "I'm just trying to help you learn, sweetie!"

I stopped hating myself and my life. That helped a lot.

How did I do that? Well, it was a lot of growth and change, but I would definitely peg two of the big ones as: 1 - Leaving the religion I'd grown up with, that made me believe I was a dirty worthless sinner that deserved to suffer, and 2 - Later, leaving the abusive relationship I was in.

I was too poor for therapy at the time, but it definitely would have helped. I had to do the digging-through-all-the-shit part the hard way, and it definitely took a while.

I have had an insanely abusive ex, I have had him and others get me very, very angry, but I've never said anything in anger that I didn't actually mean. I have never made up lies just to hurt someone, I have never made threats, I have never name-called.