I think she was attempting to ask if Tapper would be an appropriate unbiased moderator. She was attempting to bring up the numerous times Tapper had compared Trump to funny German mustache man. Seems like a reasonable conversation to have...

Most women at the time didn't want the right to vote.

Seen plenty of people walking around proudly displaying Red Stars and spouting pro Communist sentiment. Never seen a person goose stepping around in Nazi regalia tho. Get a grip

No one is wearing Nazi regalia walking around in public goose stepping. See plenty of people throwing up the Red salute and wearing the Red Star like a bunch of smug retards. Get a grip

The FBI were the individuals who wanted to kidnap a governor not wHiTe sUpReMe pIzZaS. Absolute retards

No, you literally do not have a vagina. You have a mutilated inverted penis.

Having a trans child is like having a vegan cat. We all know who is making the decisions!

What type of parent let's their son dress like a woman?

Sounds like fake news to me all I saw were pow covered smiles and hi fives

I hiked to Anarchy twice. So worth it. Julio twice and The Throne twice. Great day what a blast. There was plenty of snow absolutely sent it screaming through the trees

Thank God this propaganda doesn't work on the overwhelming majority of people in the USA.

Do you know anyone who has ever gone for a jog wearing steel toed work boots?

I would always choose a difficult, challenging life that involves suffering than no life at all. Don't know what else needs to be said to this.