Lol you sound like a college freshman who just took Intro to Philosophy, it's cringey as hell.

Go outside man.

I've said this for a long time too. He got to just coast on Obama's economy, and if he had even pretended to be mr. tough guy leader in a crisis by taking the pandemic seriously, he would've won the EC (but def not the popular vote.) But he was too concerned about his personal image to do that.

Yep. Otherwise Republicans control the narrative, and that narrative is "Trump was railroaded by a political hit job" which, besides be a lie, feeds into people's belief that "all politicians" are bad and this is just politicians being politicians, which it 100% is not.

Yes but we can do multiple things at once. Hammering the fact Trump is a literal convicted felon is a must, and it will help educate people who are not yet engaged with the election that one candidate is a felon, and if they have any morals they probably won't vote for him.

Lmao wtf are you even talking about? Not voting for Biden = a vote for Trump, an awful human being who has stated policies that are much, much worse than literally anything Biden has ever done. It's that simple dude. So if you do that you then can't try and get on a moral high horse about anything really. You'd be worse than the people voting for Biden. I mean that's clear to you I hope.

Well if they're not supporting or voting for either, that's effectively a vote for Trump.

I mean you realize that by not voting for Biden you ARE making a decision for a much worse situation and outcome right? You can pretend to be above it all or whatever but by not acting you are acting and acting in a way that will make things much worse for everyone, that you're choosing the drastically worse ethical immorality. So good job.

My best guess is, even if this person was a Trump supporter in some capacity, (not even getting into the mountain of evidence against him that the jury heard) once that person took a minute to fully internalize where they were and what they were doing probably changed their calculus of the situation.

The eyes of the entire country, not to mention the world probably, were watching this case. That's a fuckload of stress and pressure to deal with. Add on top of that the other 11 people are no doubt taking things extremely seriously, parsing facts going over testimony, etc. Those two factors alone would be enough for just about anyone to feel pressured into doing what they were asked to do rather than try and be a cool, right wing hero and holding out to force a hung jury.

Every bar I've worked at were always meticulous about keeping the tap lines clean as well as the taps themselves. So it's probably just the particular bar you worked at.

Hard disagree. Republicans in general are threatening the rest of us with draconian laws and policies meant to punish and cause pain. Hell, they're literally worshipping an actual convicted felon who they want to install as president for life.

Go ask someone who's had to have a medical abortion due to miscarriage or who's currently sinking tens of thousands of dollars into IVF treatments what they think about Republicans desire to make that woman carry that non-viable fetus until either they "birth" it or their body starts to fail because they don't want her to get a medical procedure or if they'd be just fine having their last chance at starting a family taken away because of someone else's beliefs.

The GOP is a cancer and is every sane person's enemy.

Yes this is where people should be focusing. His base won't give a fuck, he could literally shit on them while groping their daughters and they'd still vote for him.

But with squishier Republican voters/Haley voters and Independents this conviction will make their decision to not vote for him much easier.

This is the only way I'd ever be able to truly sleep on a plane. I'm 6'4" so it's mainly a comfort thing, but I don't have the dough to upgrade so I just tough it out.

This would 100% be me. That's way too much of a risk to take.

Jesus fucking christ grow the fuck up. People like you are insufferable. Being adult means recognizing you're not always going to have the perfect little option that your little heart desires, but rather dealing with the reality in front of you and making the best decision possible based on that. And the only rational and moral option in this case for literally ANY policy or law or foreign involvement aspect is Biden. You have 2 options, and you can either be a child and stamp your feet about it or be an adult and recognize sometimes you need to do the right thing even though it's not a perfect system.

If that concern is not "Trump will be demonstrably worse in that area" then your anger is directed in the wrong direction.

You'd be waiting forever because that dude is wrong, and any "education" he'd try to impart would be 100% bullshit.

I think if you'd ask just about any normal person who'd gone through a miscarriage and what it takes to remove the fetus who was told by this douchenozzle that "no it's not a medical abortion LET ME EDUCATE YOU" they would see red too. Myself included and I'm a man.

I was gonna say this is a typical South Sider if I've ever seen one.

If you're a "new reader" who's only read some of the classics you're not going to understand McCarthy full stop. If you're not old enough or don't have much experience with books in general, lots of the themes or intention behind BM especially are going to go over your head. I'd say continue to read what's more comfortable/at your reading level and keep at it while you slowly expand your interests/comprehension (which is not a bad thing at all). But jumping from simple "grade school level" narrative form to like "graduate level" (so to speak) is going to be very confusing if you don't hit some steps in between.

I love that book, it's very well written and the story is really engaging. He also wrote A Simple Plan, later turned into an excellent movie with Billy Bob and Bill Pullman.

Which is crazy to me because just yesterday Trump said out of his own mouth he'd crush any protests about Palestine, deport everyone involved, and has said in the past he thinks Netanyahu should do whatever he wants to Palestine. Anybody trying to like "make a point" about Biden re: the Middle East by not voting for him is a fucking child who needs to grow up.

Also an egg peeler, asking a new server to make sure to drain the hot water from the coffee maker, etc.

The only reason I haven't played it (loved the first one) is the price. I don't have the pass thing, and no interest in it, so I decided to wait till it's on sale. So untill it's at least half the current price, I won't be picking it up.