I've had a leak on the driver's side turbo for a while that I've been ignoring. After seeing how much work it was going to take to get the line replaced (it's the line that goes into the back of engine) I decided I was going to replace all 4 lines to prevent any potential issues. Wrong. I'd rate this job about a 0 out of 10.

It took almost a full day to get the lines from the back of the engine disconnected from the turbos and replace the line from the turbo to the side of the block on the driver's side. At which point I said f this and snapped the old lines from the back of the block back into the new fittings on the turbos. And, of course the line I replaced started leaking when I put coolant in, so there I am beating on it with a hammer and block of wood to drive it further into the fitting.

I'm not sure if it is easier to pull the cab or pull the engine, but I've got a feeling that's how the lines on the back of the block will get changed.