I always say that with decent maintenance, a Lexus will get 300k miles. Without maintenance, it will probably still hit 250k.

Brisket is easy if you don't overcomplicate it. I cook at 275-300, 8-10 hrs. May or may not wrap it, barely matters. Leave it on until it's tender - could be up to 208 sometimes. Getting a decently marbled brisket is way more important than other details.

He knows how to get things done at an insane pace, proven many times over with SpaceX, Tesla, Starlink, etc. We don't really have people like that in government positions.

I'm up to about 150 people that have been in my Model 3. 100% said they really liked it. 0% knew anything about Teslas beforehand, which I wish Elon cared about.

We may be 10 years out from the right combination of hardware and software for mass adoption of VR. Even from an enthusiast's standpoint, it's hard to get the motivation to use it much (and I've had 5 headsets, including Q3).


Does Costco do 80/20 burgers? I get Bubba burgers from the grocery store because they taste better than Costco burgers. All the YouTube comparison vids agree.

We do 24 hours a year of training at my work. And we all already have 4 year degrees. Crazy that cops don't seem to have much of a standard. This is on their supervisor/police chief.

I've never had any negativity from drivers or people IRL in 2+ years of ownership (outside of Ram truck drivers).

I played AW2 for 10 hours or so, but it's kind of boring. Like you feel obligated to continue but there's way more fun things in VR or real life you could be doing.

I have cars in 3 quadrants. Multiple personality disorder.

Nobody wants a 180hp Honda though. You can get a 300hp Infiniti for $6000, why wouldn't a kid want that?

After 2 years I still love it. Best purchase I've ever made.

It will probably be free on all Teslas eventually if there's ever real EV competition they're worried about.

I liked it, but it was too hesitant, so not usable if there was a driver behind me. They would have lost their minds at intersections. Also took turns too sharply and hit a curb at one point, scraping my wheel cover. I'd buy it in a second if they fix these things.

The Yamaha is perfect for basement jamming with some buddies.

People pay a few thousand for new guitars that are "relic'd" and look old and beat up. It is strange lol.

Don't max out the subs/bass just because you can. Get the vocals on top of the mix. You're in the top 30% of rock band mixes at that point. We used to have 2 amateur girls running sound for my 2 bands for a couple years and they would try to make it sound like a radio mix. Bars were always saying we were the best sounding band that came through lol.

My drummer sings insanely loud so makes it easy.

I just plug into a regular 110v wall outlet. I can add 5 mi/hr of range that way.

This is probably the cause. It's about the only way to mess up a prime brisket. I just cooked one at 300 for 8 hours to 205 and it was amazing. If you put it right in a cooler it will overcook.