Being too smart is an automatic disqualification… and I wish that was a joke

Some people might think the driver had tip money with them, others might be trying to steal whatever the driver has with them. We have had a few Amazon drivers that have been shot at killed in my state while delivering packages to the person who ordered them. People literally are ordering shit and then when the driver delivered it they were shot and killed. And this isn’t even in areas that are known for being bad unfortunately.

You know what really throws it off though? Not a single stain on the white shirt at all.


Skye Blue was a little sleepy the other day and the pillow was the perfect place for nap time.

For a long time one of the biggest skips people were hunting for in Legend of Zelda: Windwaker was “Barrier skip”, and is basically this exact scenario. The final dungeon and the end of the game were walled off by an invisible barrier in an area you visit about halfway into the game. The first half had been cracked by another technique but the holy grail was getting past that invisible barrier. Eventually it was discovered that by doing an incredibly precise set of movements you could get yourself just far enough into the barrier that the system would think you were coming from the other side and spit you out into the final area of the game, skipping about half of the game entirely.

Magnus shouting in the background- “You know exactly what I meant Dorn, and you know it!”

Hey we’re the heart of it all (the insanity that is)

He literally took Khornes favorite subject and made it so boring that Khorne decided to leave. Dorn is an entirely different level.

Is Remold full of shit? Probably, but despite being the nemesis of Big D, D still shows respect for Remolds strength and ability, which says a lot. Another thing to note is when he brags of killing werebears, Fatigue is present, and doesn’t correct Remold about them being werebeasts.

HtP is set after what would be the fall of the Garou nation though, and the WtA books say that many werewolves disillusioned with the nation and tribes went solo. While a pack may not give this much attention a solo werewolf might.

Kills werebears and is screwing up the natural world? That’s the Garous job! They took our job!

Well, we do have 2 people at the chapter house a werewolf would be interested in. Fatigue is the chapter houses expert on werebeasts, but more importantly we have someone who has openly stated that they hunted multiple werebears, and possibly even other werebeasts, Remold Blacklaw. The fact that he has killed multiple shape changers might have drawn the attention of a werewolf looking to stop him. He could potentially teach others the methods that have proven effective enough to hunt down some of the most powerful beings on the planet, which would make him a credible threat to at least some of the packs who realize this could have a cascading effect if not handled. Laying a low profile would also be prudent, as they wouldn’t know if the arcanum’s members have been trained by Remold.

I had to look this up but he wasn’t fired, he resigned.

To make it even worse, the officers partner ALSO fired on the unarmed man, and despite investigation saying that they used excessive force… well… “cleared of all wrongdoing” seems to be the catch phrase of all police forces when their own to overboard.

She was sulking at the bottom of the stairs when Elise says she’ll go talk to Grimal, but Elise took the keys… and everything else in Giles pockets before that happened. We don’t see Grimal go up the stairs where the people we are focusing on that part of the scene are standing so I think that’s pretty solid evidence that Elise took her to the security room to talk to Grimal about the fight.

That or Elise let her in so they could talk in a secluded area after Grimal fought with Kitten. She did steal Giles keys.

The map also states that her activity was moving downstairs from the security room though

Not going to lie I thought it was Elise at first but there are a few subtle things that I feel give her an alibi. We can see that she did spend time with Grimal, as they exchanged hair ties, she was putting Grimals hair tie on as we cut to D coming out of the storage under the stairs. And I think that having a heart to heart with your friend over the fight that Grimal had with Kitten could potentially have lasted “the length of 3 tire changes (almost the length of 2 football games)”. But mostly I am working away from that theory because Elise is the best.

Level 15 feat, if deception is successful on multiple targets, character can cast mass suggestion at will.

Low intelligence, high luck just looks like high intelligence to those who are low intelligence, low luck.