Ross is the most immature character I have seen in any film or show. He thinks he is always the victim like he is just a "good guy" whom people are being mean to for no reason. Also, if he had conversations with other people, like an adult, he wouldn't have had half as many problems as he did. For example, when he fell asleep while reading the 18 pages, if he explained to Rachel that he had accidentally fallen asleep and he would read it as soon as possible, he wouldn't have to lie about reading it. And after he was done reading it, he could've calmly explained himself and had a conversation with Rachel, rather than yelling at her about, "We were on a break!" (Though I do believe he is in the right about being on a break.) He is always trying to prove his masculinity, to an annoying extent. He dressed as a girl as a child, and his dad said he wasn't a real boy because he played with dinosaur toys, then there is Susan. Ross thinks that since Carol divorced him for Susan he is so unmasculine that a woman can replace him, which leads to a rivalry between them that just gets annoying. And because he views himself as being able to be replaced by a woman that a man could replace him just as easily, especially Mark. I'm not getting started on Mark.

That explains why the future scenes in the original Terminator are cricked.

When did they make a steel book of Heathers and where did you get it?

They were both confused, but Rachel was indecisive, which led to Ross being even more confused. Also, who breaks up with someone one night and within hours gets back with them.

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit.

"Do you hear the people sing" Les miserables