Try to attend an SFRE and if you pass the SF guys may be able to help. Depending on the state they’re basically open to anyone. When I enlisted with a guard 18X they somehow pushed my waiver through much faster than the AD guys could. They said something along the lines of “we’ll have our guy look at it.” Not really sure how any of that works, but it was about a two day turnaround. So I’d start with the SF route instead of enlisting first.

Worth noting that SWCS has a different waiver authority, so you may still have trouble pre-selection. A couple of buddies had an admin hold before SOPC from waivers that had already been approved to get them to airborne. But nobody I know got denied, so I think it’s a formality unless it’s something really major or you get an injury at airborne or OSUT.

Outdoor Research Ferrosi is the most similar competitor