I had to look up who Vince mcmahon is lol, yeah that’s pretty awful

/unlie the whole Chris Chan thing is so fucked up

That’s fair, honestly I would’ve loved an official recap video just to hear more of Alan’s voice lmao. But yeah I honestly completely forgot about recap videos for a second there ngl

It’s not the worst thing of all time but it’s really annoying. Especially since the extra screen space is barely useful for anything

I’ve been doomscrolling on Reddit so not too great lol, I’ve also never wanted to leave America more than right now, this place is fuckin trash ngl

cool fuckin animals that are kind of like birds kill piece of shit pigs that kidnapped their kids

major disagree

I like the clip (BDG is fuckin awesome) but I don’t understand how it relates

I’m gonna replay all the 3D Zelda games I own on my switch, so skyward sword, botw, and totk lol

to distract myself from my bad thoughts I’m gonna ask what rat cannibalism on the titanic is lol, that caught me so off guard

Most of this doom posting does have a point though, vote and shit, yknow? Seriously though, definitely do vote

Jaiden is a top tier name, I’m probably biased though because Jaiden animations is the funniest person on the planet lol

I don’t! I used to talk with people on Amino but from what I’ve heard that app is awful now lol

Nononononono! She’ll be 10 this year! Very important, can’t believe you forgot that essential piece of information/s

I mean, this is a pretty low bar lol

I know who Chris Chan is, I just don’t get how it relates to the post

I’m just gonna bathe in my ignorance until I find out if he’s a bad person or not lol

At this point I’d honestly recommend that people play every remedy game after Alan wake 1, there’s so much stuff tied in that I can’t imagine how I’d feel about Alan wake 2 if I had never played control, yknow?

Is John Cena any better? I assume he is but I wouldn’t know

To be fair, there are a lot of people here (and Sam lake himself) who’ve said that playing the first game isn’t necessary, which I personally think is kinda bullshit lol

What can I say, I’ve got a type

See, whenever someone asks me something like that I also say “just pick whatever you want”, but that’s because there is no way in hell I want to decide something for someone else