Democrats have been using "but look at your only other option" to secure power for decades. Its not an accident that the other side has gotten more and more vile, its whag democrats need to enable because fear of them is the only thing that makes their own brand of evil electable

Thats really not how uprisings work, 95% of the time the relevant military forces side with one or the other and thats the side that wins. A better question is whether you think the military apparatus is more likely to back biden or trump completely and utterly independent of the law, and i wouldnt be counting myself lucky if i were you

The democratic half of the government is not on your side. They use republicans as a scare tactic to make you vote for the people who are ostensibly slightly less antagonistic to your interests.

They didnt do nothing, they cultivated this as a strategy to maintain power in the medium term

Its less innocent than you make it out, they teach idealistic garbage to every child to pacify generations so theyll just work without asking questions

Anyone who is on board with 5% of it is on board with 100% dont get confused on that

Tho i will say its cute that you end with "vote and then the fascists will politely stop all of this (teehee)"

Have you considered youre the one struggling with arithmetic?

We all know beyond any doubt that voting will never get us what we want, and now on top of that--you may have forgotten what thread youre in but ill remind you--most americans think the election will not change whether or not there is going to be a coup attempt

I love how part of convincing people to vote necessarily involves telling people they wont get anything they actually want by voting. Like everybody understood that for decades but the fact you cant even pretend anymore without getting bombarded with people calling out your bullshit makes my heart warm just a little bit

Why wont anybody please pretend democracy work while we spend all our days hollering how democracy is broken and doesnt work bht also definitely dont even think about doing anything other than voting because that always works and historically has prevented every unjust war and solved climate change over the decades of time it had to get started on that and also remember how voting has reeled in corporate greed so we can all afford rent and food!

Why doesnt anybody vote!1!1

American liberals eating the shit theyve produced their whole lives. Yall deserve whats coming for you, its your fault. Blaming republicans is like blaming toxic fumes for killing people who enter its confined space. Youre supposed to be the ones with brain cells, youre the ones who couldve organized a different situation and chose not to. Youre the ones who arranged for school children to have access to the death pits, youre the ones who decorated the building and made it look like a respectable part of society because it would keep actual solutions away from power and you always feared corporate taxation more than fascism. Now eat your fucking meal. All the pain and blood from the laws already being repealed, abortion laws in particular, is already on your hands and so is everything else thats coming.

The difference isnt between values, its between being a slave to values as such and being people. Your perspective on raising children can only possibly produce the latter in the event they rebel, which is a cruel bottleneck that wastes lives

Off the shapiro topic but honestly that would be good content to just set a few people up with specifically the worst game for their personality types and make them race/survive the longest before rage quitting

This is a point zizek and many in his wake made, and nobody cares but its not really a good one or true. Yeah, very orthodox marxism would reject postmodernism and an egregiously modernist interpretation of postmoderns lives and dies by "no meta-narratives" or whatever, which is to say plenty of people argue for a rejection on both sides.

But dialectics entails its own demise--that is its premise. Marx himself would argue that new philosophies would replace marxism after proven to be more correct or better descriptive. He was right and the postmodern disillusion was a product of the trend he was at the center of, which was to start seeing human ideologies and thoughts and languages for the real world systems that produce them and their evolutions, instead of for their diegetic Truth values and the internally consistent worlds of ideas they build up.

Far enough down this road you start asking things like "is matter real or just a social construct" and eventually even more nuanced things like "is spacetime real or just a data structure we evolved to project sensory data onto?" so orthodox marxism has obvious problems to face and the marxist way forward is simply to stop being orthodox and follow marxs critique of ideology through to the self-critique of marxist ideology.

Which is frankly uber-zizekian so its a real peave of mine that he uses this argument even if it does zing peterson

I mean the things people say very very rarely describe their motivations. The people saying the extra stupid shit are just being manipulated by media forces with more coherent agendas

No this is straight garbage, someone afraid of the rules of society more than they are their own people without depraved desires is an every day horror story and also literally exactly the fundamental nature of conservatism.

Its so dumb because in the same breath youll say that our society is deeply racist, patriarchal and archaic, but then when conservatives are racist, patriarchal and archaic they're just bad wrong for not learning the rules of civilized society?

Youre the one who is confused, they understood the society they were born into and now theyre throwing a fit because its changing. But they dont fundamentally know how to change, they just know the rules and values they were indoctrinated with, because they had parents like you who just had different character creation ideology rng and taught them to be fundamentalists instead of people

I wonder if im misreading the stat because it sounds mundane to me. Of course they trend towards thinking of the affair partner, thats what an affair is.

But if its not biden the libs will continue to guarantee its more people who wont give us what we need!! Now do what they want anyway!

How long did you really think people would keep buying the act?

I mean its like yall keep pointing out, trump is literally as bad as he is and the country is on the verge of absolute failure.

And people still wont vote for biden. Time to look at the bottom of your shoes, libs.

Why cant we live in the cool timeline where we just stick em in the ring together and whoever survives gets the w

Bro fuck you caught me im totally a rapist treasonous pedophile with the iq of a mop bucket and im projecting that onto trump. Theres literally no other explanation for taking issue with him, it must be projection.

That might hurt if i were still mentally trapped in middle school

So deluded christian bullshit will save you from fascism? Maybe your country deserves it for not being wiser

My am therapist said youre disgusting because of the choices you make and the way you double down on them