An-Nisa 4:59, An-Nisa 4:80, Al-Ahzab 33:36, Al-Ahzab 33:71, Al-Hashr 59:7, Muhammad 47:33, Al-Ahzab 33:21. I hope this helps and may Allah bless you brother.

Hadiths go through a VERY rigorous process to be authenticated. Bukhari & his students themselves threw away 592,000/600,000 hadiths and kept around 8,000 of them which he deemed to be authentic. Also, a small mistake in my speech: hadiths were not written down during the time of the prophet but his words were memorized by many of the sahaba who passed it down by oral tradition, then were passed down to the tabi'un which were transmitted to the tabi'un al-tabi'in. Even authenticating a singular hadith is a very tedious process that would take the work of numerous scholars. Hadith sciences are a very complicated field.

Are you a quranist? Hadiths were written at the time of the prophet pbuh. They were only collected and compiled 200 years after his death. Your doubts about the sunnah are not new & have been examined at least a thousand times throughout history as soon as Al-Bukhari assembled his first collection.

Muslim here. You have my respect brother. Good job to you for following what your book says and not changing the interpretation to please gay liberals.

This is a saying or a practice by him.

The prophet PBUH never drank camel urine himself. It isn't a sunnah he used to perform nor is it something we even give a second's glimpse to.

There is a reason why u find videos on reddit of people drinking camel urine because they think its healthy.

That's their own stupidity & a tragic misinterpretation of a hadith taken with 0 context.

Drinking camel urine isn't some sort of ritual we are mandated to perform nor is it a sunnah that was done by the prophet pbuh, lmao

The camel urine was an order given by the prophet PBUH to people living in a certain time and under certain circumstances. It doesn't apply today.

This post is idiotic. There is no ijma (scholarly consensus) on drawing, so the matter is up to ikthilaf and interpretations from various sources. Drawing living beings even with complete features is not haram unless the intent is for worship or idolatry; in that case, it'd be a major sin. Of course, however, a revert wouldn't know much better.

How ignorant. Murder and rape are some of the worst sins in Islam that can doom a person to hell, and the punishment for both is to be stoned to death. Also, you are obligated to treat your concubines with respect as if they were your own kids, and that includes getting consent from them.

Unfortunately, we do not have the answer to that. None of us truly know why Allah decided to create evil and let it plague the world rather than create pure beings who would serve only him and nobody else. Anyone who says they know why is lying. We claim to know how God works, but we don't.

The angels had a similar question:

"And when your Lord said to the angels, 'Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.' They said, 'Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?' He said, 'Indeed, I know that which you do not know.'" (2:30)

When will people realize that there are no "Muslim" countries anymore?

I did not read "scooby" as "skibidi"

Search up the Great Mosque of Xi'an. Islamic culture is meant to integrate with the region's culture & traditions.

All prophets were born and lived in the Middle East

Yeah, 25/124,000 prophets we know were born and lived in the Middle East.

Qu'ran and prayer are exclusively in Arabic

Prayer can be done in all languages. Salah is exclusively in Arabic & Quran can be translated to other languages.

we will speak Arabic in Jannah

Da'if Hadith.

The prophets names are to be said in Arabic instead of any other translations of their names,

That's because the scripture was revealed in Arabic???

What about the Middle East is so important

It's the heart of the world.

Yes. I completely gave up on love for the sake of my purpose and my future. I don't feel lonely at all, and in fact, quite the opposite. I realized someday that nobody is ever truly alone; they're just isolated from others.

I feel like it's just the right thing to do and I don't want to see other people suffer

Are good deeds that are committed for the sake of helping others & being a kind person accepted?Question about Islam

I know that doing good deeds with the intention of showing off or gaining publicity is nullified, and the best intention for performing a good deed is to seek Allah's approval and reward.

But are good deeds that are made with the intention of simply helping others or being a kind person without seeking Allah's reward accepted too? I'm aware of the hadith about a man quenching the thirst of a dog (presumably without the intention of pleasing Allah but rather to save the dog) and his deed being accepted and his sins being forgiven.

So let's say I wanted to help a homeless person on the street by giving him some food, not because I want to do it for Allah, but because I feel that it is the right thing. Will I still be rewarded for this good deed?

From the Hanafi perspective, it is permissible for a woman to travel alone if the distance she is venturing is less than 48 miles away (3 days' worth of travel). So yes, it's totally fine if you just want to go outside somewhere with your friends or alone or want to go to places in your city as the distance would be less than the length of 3 days and 3 nights.

On the other hand, it is generally not permissible for a woman to travel alone if the distance she is venturing to is more than 48 miles away. Exceptions include if she is doing it for a good reason (going abroad to study, visit her family, or for an emergency). This is only under the condition that her safety is guaranteed though. If she is traveling a distance of more than 48 miles for fun, then she has to be accompanied by a Mahram or husband. I'm pretty sure a trusted female friend would be fine too.