The legal answer to your question is that it's possible it could happen. None of us can tell you exactly how likely it is.

If you ignore a subpoena, you can be found in contempt of court, which can result in fines and jail time.

He thinks this about women.

That means that he thinks this about YOU.

Don't date someone who thinks that way about you.

Hi OP, I was vaccinated for HPV and I still got it. The vaccine protects against certain strains, not all of them.

I loved Disappear when I was a teenager; I still have a soft spot for it.

Everyone else has listed the benefits of keeping Tammy; I personally don't see any real benefit to killing her off unless you want to romance Cal (which you already have) or you want to unlock some different scenes and dialogue.

Thank you for sharing that, genuinely, because I'm prescribed Seroquel and I did not know that.

He screamed at you for seven hours and then set your possessions on fire.

If a friend came up to you and told her that her boyfriend did that to her, you'd call that abusive, right?

It needs to be a multiple of 10, and truth be told it's been a while since I've played...I seem to recall that buying an animal counts, but I don't remember if selling does.

Assuming you're playing the remake, this page has a section with a guide on how to get Van's Favorite:

He can't even bring himself to break up with you like an actual adult; he's trying to get you to do it for him.

You get it a couple of months before age 20. Leading up to it I got multiple events in which Tangent talked to me about it and I had dialogue options to either talk her out of it or encourage her; have you gotten any events like that?

I just discovered this one last night and I'm also very disappointed it doesn't have an ending yet. One day hopefully!

Respectfully, this reads like your boyfriend sees you as a roommate, as someone who provides benefits to his life, as the mother of his kid...but not as a life partner.

Need to know a location; worker's comp differs by state.

He doesn’t trust the people he hires

I always am baffled and furious by this mindset in employers. If you don't trust the people you hired to do their jobs, then why did you hire them FOR THAT JOB in the first place?

Okay now I'm trying to picture a version of the show with Dolly Parton as the Slayer

I keep seeing Vault 31 pop up as an answer in threads like this. Maybe it's time I bit the bullet and checked it out too.

Are there any accommodations your company could reasonably make that would make you able to perform your job? Is moving to another position in the same company an option?

My dad doesn't know about the documentary team and I'd like to keep it that way.

I mean, if your sister has already contacted them, then it's only a matter of time before he finds out. I'm sure he'd rather find out from you then find out when they show up at his door.