Well, I have a good relationship with my dad, he doesn’t speak much, so we don’t really have long or deep conversations, but he always shows his love through actions.

As for my brother, he’s kind of like my dad too, and I have a good relationship with him.

I’m going to visit chinatown with a friend

This is a good idea, although maybe I could try a coffee shop? Could that still work?

I’ve always been into guys, ever since I was a kid. But I was never awkward around them until I turned 13/12

Not really… I don’t have guy friends

It’s always been like this, ever since high school

None of that really… it’s a mystery haha

You’re still going? Nothing better to do?

Just any guy around my age, attractive or not, literally any guy

Nice one, hope you feel good after saying that

Thanks for your words. It’s hard not to feel like there’s something wrong with me

Yeah, I get that, but I always feel awkward around men, not just from time to time

But I’m nervous around all guys, regardless if I find them attractive or not

Yeah, but I feel like chatting online and irl are very different. Online it’s easy, irl… not so much

I don’t know, I just don’t want to feel awkward around men anymore

Glad to know someone else feels like that too