Omdat je Airpods zo snel verliest. En omdat de microfoon van iPhones zo snel kapot gaan

Would sleeping in a hammock make you less prone to seasickness?

I was wondering if sleeping in a hammock would make you less prone to seasickness / help you sleep better on a boat.

Anyone knows?

Yeah obviously not being able to swim is an extreme, but I highly doubt that this is actually the case for them.

Seems like OP is exaggerating, but who knows.

Well, not if you just say “well ok, this is who I am now”. That is not what I meant with loving your imperfect self.

It is to recognize your wrongdoings, but also recognize that self-judgment is no productive solution either, its an easy way out of actually improving.

Her sis seems pretty cool, I wonder what her side of the story is. I’m also surprised how few of the comments are supportive of the idea.

What do you think of it?

How so?

I think we should be very cautious to not confuse “acting moral” with “being good”.

Man, people are imperfect. So are you, so is u/the_dawn . We all make mistakes.

The self-judgment is the easy-route. It is infinitely more difficult to love yourself with your imperfections.

Wish you the best on your journey. Good luck soldier.

But how is it circular reasoning? I thought the two meant the same thing.

Wait, what is the difference between “begs the question” and “raises the question”?

My favorite advice so far. Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith.

How did you find your boat? Why did you fell in love with it?

I’m worried boats younger than 2004 will not be available at a 50K euro budget.

I will use the boat to sail from the Netherlands to Scandinavia and the Mediterranean. I’m planning to sail for 6 months, then work for 6 months etc.

I can count on an uneducated crew (my friends).

I am more of a cruiser than a racer. I like going slow more than rapid.

Just bought it, thank you! Will have a read

Are there somewhat reliable sailboats out there?

Hey guys

I have always had a deep love for the seas and the oceans. My most vivid memory of my youth was being on sailing camp and feeling the freedom of sailing an optimist.

Now that I am in my early 20s I have gotten lucky enough to be able to afford my own sailboat (under 50K).

Ever since I voiced my idea of buying a boat, I have been bombarded with skepticism. “Koop een boot, werk je dood” (Buy a boat, work youself dead). Nobody in my close circles owns or has ever owned a boat and they’re worried I end up working on it more than I am sailing it.

All that skepticism is valid, and obviously I would love to sail on it more than working on it.

That’s why I am wondering: “Are there any somewhat-reliable boats out there?”

All boats need work, but is there a difference in maintenance work in between monohull-sailboats? For example, I heared an aluminum hull needs less work.

In other words, what things do I need to watch out for to not be working on a boat more than sailing it?

I appreciate you all and this subreddit for all the great info!

Thank you, and yes I think you’re right.

Meaningless might be just conceptual, perhaps not instinctive. — That’s basically the point I was trying to get across.

I’m aware of the difference, my argument partially is that we cannot verify that it does not have meaning.

We ARE the universe. The baby was destined to cry. How subjective is the meaning we create of it then?

Thats my new insight.

I get you. I have started to think differently, I might be wrong, who knows.

I keep forgetting that I’m not here to prove my own philosophy, but simply to share new insights.

Wish you the best friend! You do you too

My argument is that we create ideas/concepts, but will never know, in a conceptual sense, if life has any meaning.

But, if you look a loved one deep in their eyes, perhaps there is. Its just that words cannot phantom it

I think you just unintentionally created meaning by saying what you said.