That would’ve been my undoing. I cannot stand them.

That’s why I early vote. In case shit hits the fan on Election Day. I am NOT missing my chance!

He knows. It was a long time ago and a very long relationship. Husband had a long love too. We were older when we met, and it just doesn’t bother us that we had pasts. I’m just lucky to have met him and have this life w him now.

But I still have fond memories of other parts of my life. He knows that. Do I sniff my ex’s cologne in front of him and look at photos of us back then? No, of course not. But if I get a whiff of it in a store, I’m not afraid to say “omg that took me back!” in front of my husband.

💀 I’ll have to try them again too. I tried them right as they came out and they’d leave the stain plus a wring of stain treater on the garmet but it’s most likely user error. 😆

Run in circles and have no plan is what they look like. Like a toddler on too much sugar past their bedtime.

Pass it back in the first minute but barely hit it so the keeper can scramble to prevent a break away goal. Do that in two successive games and keep your job. 👎🏼

You could actually see some of them panicking bc they had no idea what to do w the ball and could not make a decision. It’s was wild to watch.

Absolutely could not read one another. Moved left when the pass was right. Give and go but one didn’t go. Lifted into the box but not a soul there. It was just awful.

I’ve seen old Mexican guys (like truly from Mexico per their jerseys and knowing them) play better with a can of beer in their hand on a Friday night pick up game in the park. I don’t know how they can’t find a team with some grit and skill.

We have a sandlot summer through our league. Do it!

Dying 🤣💀Having the worst anxiety bc I’m having a bad health day but need to get so much done. This genuinely made me giggle. You’re awesome.

I have a fit, thin husband who doesn’t snore and he had silent apnea. “Luckily” I have insomnia and was up and heard him stop breathing over and over again. Cpap has helped.

Contigo is fantastic. No spill and fits in the car. I don’t get Stanley.

Orange tree blossoms for me. Our university had them by the science building and the smell on a hot fall day was intoxicating. Plus the oranges are nice too.

Oribe hair products. So freaking expensive but my entire family loves how my hair smells so it’s worth it.

My other one was a random find. Sweet olive or tea olive blossoms are what I imagine heaven smelling like. There was one planted at my old house when I moved in. Heavenly. Apparently you can make a tea out of them too. Haven’t tried that.

Nothing is as good as the old mimeograph of my childhood though. That damp purple ink. Gosh I miss it.

I love chlorhexadine for this reason. It’s reminds me of the OR and cleanliness. I rarely smell it but I love when I do.

I’m embarrassed to admit this bc I love my husband, but the smell of my ex’s cologne is comforting. It was a super fun time in my life (traveling, no kids, school, no work) and it reminds me more of the young adult life w minimal responsibility vs him.

RIP the map industry. I used to have so many half folded maps crammed into my car. Also the map book of the state so you could find anything. The best was when you turned that page and it was not continuous so you’re frantically trying to find the connection page to know where to go. Good times. I do actually miss this.

I watched later due to commitments and woke my husband up screaming. I felt terrible but he agreed that was worth the anger. It was wildly bad.