NTA. This sounds a lot like BPD. Especially since her mother only targeted her.

❄️⛄️❄️Fashion intern❄️⛄❄️

I had the exact same experience and thought. I couldn’t remember the name of the store, but I stared at those shoes for ages. Thanks for the reminder!

I pour milk into my black tea every morning. Add a little honey and it’s perfect. I add powdered milk if I’m traveling and I like fresh better.

Stick with your interior design degree. I spent 10 years teaching total and a few teaching ESL specifically in both public and private sectors. I stopped teaching because it is an uphill battle. The US educational system is in shambles. Teachers are underpaid, under appreciated, under skilled. Schools are under staffed and under supported especially for such a high needs area of interest such as ESL. You already have a bunch of time in the interior design degree. I would never be happy in teaching and no one I know is happy in teaching either. I would stay away if I were you unless it’s the passion that rules your life path. If you want to teach, get your design degree and then start teaching adults about color theory or something.

Those look like dry pine needles. Look closely at the one on the left crossing the “A”. It tapers to a point. A pine needle.

You found it! I spliced them together because it was just too fitting.

Can you buy her a portable heater and an electric blanket to heat her room and bed over night? She is obviously cold and it sucks not to feel safe and warm in your own home. Maybe you could do this as well as meet right in the middle between 16 (brrrrrrrrr!!) and 21 in the thermostat.

We are on a drive home and I’m reading this out loud to my bf. He says “a child singing or something like that”. Creepy.

Locked ❄️⛄️❄️Fashion intern❄️⛄❄️

Your figure is absolutely beautiful and you could stun in any of these dresses. Do not doubt that. Your family is right. You should love your dress and feel confident in it, so that is your top priority. What dress makes you feel the best? Here is some advice I would give you if I were your MOH at the fitting:

1: This one fits your frame/figure very well. The neckline is perfect, however it does need to be taken in under the arms just a tad. The panel in the waist is great for you because of how and where it flares out on your body. The buttons down the back are an outstanding detail that doesn’t take away from the elegance of the dress. I would not cover them with a long veil. There is something about the fabric of this dress that doesn’t sit right. It looks stiff and shiny. However, the pockets alone are such a unique and accommodating feature and they blend seamlessly into the design. Top pick.

2: This dress makes your shoulders look too broad and isn’t super flattering on your hips with how/where it flares at the train. The waist is puckering oddly. Maybe this is because of the clips, but I’m not convinced it wouldn’t have this weird lace fold after alterations. It looks like the straps might be kind of uncomfortable in the back too. The lace details are beautiful and the shape is classic, but the proportions of this particular dress look a little off for you.

3: This is the wrong neckline line for you. It doesn’t look right…its too high and it’s even puckering. You look sleeker, classier, with the deep V. The swoop, button, and bow combo in the back is precious but kind of a lot going on for the simplicity of the front. The straps in the front are having that wide shoulder effect again. I think it’s because they are so far apart.

4: This is the right neckline for you. Your boobs look great in this dress. Very classy and a little sassy. I love the sheer over top the train. It looks so airy and floaty…that will look stunning as you walk. I don’t love the V in the back. Something feels odd there. Maybe because it’s a little more stark than the curvy front…there is a disconnect between the front and the back in the Vs. I do love how the fabric flows into the train. This fabric looks very expensive. The beaded waist belt is really bold, not very subtle. I argue that it takes attention away from the fit of the dress, losing elegance. I would like this dress a lot more if it lost the beads, but that’s a personal opinion, so it’s still a top pick.

I agree with this. Hot take: I don’t really think falling more or practicing falling has ever helped me in any climbing situation. I think it’s kind of silly to practice what you don’t want vs. practicing the outcome you do want…ie I don’t want to fall, I do want to stay on the wall. Learning how to properly land a fall at a second’s notice helped make me feel more comfortable. Prep work and practice to increase safety and risk assessment has always been more positive in helping my fear of falling than falling itself.

I read so much good advice here. I would also take a moment to reframe what being good at climbing means. When you say your boyfriend is a stronger/surpassed climber than you, do you simply mean he can climb above your grade? How is his grace and movement on the wall? Is he clumsily toeing around for holds or can he seamlessly make each transition? What is his stamina and longevity like? Has he mastered technical climbing technique? What about proper/safe belaying techniques? How is his risk assessment? Is he muscling his way up a climb or is he using the problem solving skills that are vital to climbing long term? What is his reaction time?

In very general terms, and I think in this particular circumstance, men have a tendency to “out climb” women on the surface because of muscle mass. Remember that climbing is so so much more than that. Maybe you are now climbing at a lower grade than your boyfriend, but I’m willing to bet with your 5 years of experience, he wouldn’t surpass you in technique, movement, strategy, problem solving, etc.

Stop caring what other people think and take some time to make a list about all the things that make you an excellent climber. They may not be the same skills as your partner in terms of climbing grade and surface appearance, but they are equally as valuable. Because it’s so common, people like to assume the male in a heterosexual partnership introduced the female to climbing. I can’t count how many times people have assumed this about me. Good! Underestimate me 😈

Fuck ‘em, you know who you are.

No. I love it because that’s the kind of empathy I strive to show for my male partner and any person who I care a great deal about regardless of gender. And that’s the kind of empathy my boyfriend seeks to show me in our loving relationship. Empathy isn’t lost on anyone and we would all be better people if we could take these opportunities for sweetness with all the people love. I love it because I recognize the kindness and humanity in any gesture similar to this one. The person who is thoughtful enough to speak this way to their partner is a truly good person.

This is an incredibly sensitive and positive response. It doesn’t put blame on her, it simply positively reinforces cleanliness. I love it.

It’s a beautiful tattoo…just add more tattoos that represent new eras in your life. Make this just a short chapter that you overcame and escaped from. Get a tattoo near it that symbolizes your progress. New tattoos will not only add you your story, but take attention away from something that was painful for you.

Wednesday night basketball/volleyball was the cringiest for me 🙄 it was just an excuse for all the adults to wear workout cloths w/o garments. We literally had a “fun” church activity every night of the week.