I got hooked on Manes by Mel for a while. Love her and all the info. However she clearly has a thicker, curlier head of hair than myself. When using her techniques my hair is very 'defined', weighed down, and has 0 volume. My hair is pretty curly (3a, 3b) however it's also very fine. I've learned that for more volume and separation less is more when it comes to my hair. Also removing as much water as possible and applying product while hair is damp, but not sopping wet, works best for me. I prefer volume over definition though. And definitely don't use the method of applying a ton of product it really weighs my hair down. And since I usually style my hair, then apply makeup, and leave within the hour, I diffuse upside down last thing. It's always worked well for me. If I soaked it in product it'd take ages to dry. Hope this helps 🙏🏼

I've been stuck on Purador hair thinning therapy shampoo and conditioner for at least a couple years. It's sulfate free and leaves my hair very soft. Removes all product and silicone free so it doesn't weight it down. Everything else is loaded.with silicone which doesn't suit my fine curly hair. Afterwards I use a leave in (It's a 10) and mousse. I'm stuck on the old Finesse mousse it doesn't make it too crunchy and is still soft and shiny with defined curls. I workout so I don't use curly girl method as I have to wash every other day. But with the Purador my hair has grown long and continues to stay healthy. I've tried literally everything else. It also helps my shedding immensely. Hope this helps

Burgundy or red lipstick. All day most everyday unless I go makeup free. Feel almost naked without it

I have this haircut. I call it a shag

How did you do this?!?! I need an app like this or something in my life Stat!

My little guy is now 9. He has been in speech therapy since beginning kindergarten. We also have a speech therapist come to our home once weekly in addition to what he gets at school which I don't believe is alot. Hang in there mama. It's worrisome for sure. But also likely as he has an older sibling that he is catered to and hasn't had the need to communicate super clearly just yet. I'd start there. Having him vocalize what he wants and practicing with him. I always worried mine would be picked on due to pronouncing certain words differently. However he is smart as a whip, actually in gifted and talented, and so far this hasn't been the case he's quite popular. It's just his speech. I blame myself for not knowing what to do when he was very small and anticipating his needs before he ever had to cry or say a word. But he's healthy and happy. And the rest will come. That's all that matters

Similar situation here although not entirely. Mine 1st and only was born at 31 weeks. It was traumatic having to go back and forth to the NICU, not being able to take him home or hold him, and seeing him always hooked up to those machines. The 1st night before we were able to bring him home and stayed in the hospital i lliterally stayed up all night and watched him breathe. Post part um was entire other story. We were told and researched the chances of it happening again were 99%. I can't do that again. So he's my only. But I've made peace with it at this point and love him so much! There were certainly times I was sad to know he'd never have a sibling though.

I love 6! But agree on #2 it's stunning also

2, or 6. Also just have to say yall are so fortunate! I could hardly find one that suited my body type when I got married 10 years ago and if I'm honest I didn't love it. What a wonderful problem to have! They all look amazing. Those are my faves 💕

Idk the answer but as a stay at home mom I wish to work often times. Because I'm the one who 'stays home' I get asked all the shitty favors, and babysitting when kids are sick and holidays because the daycares are all closed. I stay PLENTY busy and feel like I rarely get time with other adults for this reason. But my husband often reinforces and affirms that he needs me here. Other families may fare better financially with both parents working, but my child is my job amongst other things and I'm grateful to not have to trust anyone else with him. Sounds like your friend either doesn't understand or is maybe a bit bitter. A clean home makes me feel accomplished. So there's 2 sides to both ways I'm sure. But when it comes down to it I'm very glad and fortunate we have the option to do this. Could we use more money to blow? Sure! But we have all that we need plus some and I don't have to worry about where my son is going,.when, for how long, what they're doing etc. ❤️

Following for the good advice. The neighborhood gathers here aging 8-14. It can become frustrating. Especially when I'm nice enough to take other kids swimming etc but they come over un-fed, with no money. Even when I've made it clear ahead that they need pool or lunch money etc. They eat us out of house and home and we never complain to them. Parents even ASK of their kids can come sleepover. We've been dieting and eating at home but this past weekend we made it clear that we'd be eating out Saturday and going to a public pool and the kids needed about $20. Neither parent sent a dime for Saturday and when they dropped the kids off at 8p they hadn't eaten dinner. It gets to a point we feel very taken advantage of. And yes it adds up. I reached out to both parents after the fact, they both passed it off on each other and Noone ever sent a dime. It's astonishing to say the least to me.

Queso, Slice (as in an orange slice) Peach, or Calvin (random but it fits)

Came here to say Cookie or creamy! The coloring is too perfect for either of these names

4 and #7 were made for you. Really leaning towards #4 though. Very sexy chic and gorgeous. It'd be my pick if it were me

The skin doesn't agree with the IT cosmetics cc cream. It looks unnatural, cakes, and becomes oily and slippery. I like PUR 4 in 1 tinted moisturizer it covers, still gives me the dewy glow, and never cakes or settles into fine lines or creases. I've tried many other things but always stick with this one. Just my 2 cents

Came here to say this. Gorgeous brows and very full. I would clean up the bottom outer edges on the bottom if it were me. But no other changes. Simple tweeze once a week and they're perfect

Omg thank you thought I was alone here with mu comment. She'll be trying to appease them the rest of her life which isn't even possible. So glad I'm not alone on this 🙌

I am religious but but see nothing wrong with the dress at all. This is YOUR wedding. If done right you'll only have one. I say you do you and don't start a pattern of trying to appease these ladies. It'll make more a miserable existence down the road. Be you and be comfortable. My husband and I have been married 12 years. Mothers are always pushing for the conservative side for daughters. But I get complimented all the time on clothing, style etc. When I quit caring about what others thought, or even intimidating them for that matter, life began all over. If they have problems, its just that, their problems. Your dress is gorgeous as is.

Brown. And you are stunning 😍 the golden browns really give your face color and match with your skin tones. Also lower maintenance

Me! Same here. Idgaf what anyone thinks. I wore lipstick through covid when Noone could even see my lips and they were rubbing off on my mask anyways 🤣 I love my bold lip 💋 makes me feel like a woman. Idk... it's here to stay

Its the hair for me. So cute! I have a color block but it's a little different. Love it! ❤️