It's the never been washed & caked in foundation headband for me

I keep asking myself - how does she have the most followers out of the gang?

POV of what Rachel + Arielle must have looked like in London:

They used to air two versions in the UK in one day. A more PG version at 6/7pm ish & then at around 11pm they aired the more episode with more explicit scenes.. I remember the Spuffy sex scences and the scene where Willow flays Warren being part of the later showings.

I didn't realise I'd made my own feed a safer space by following lots of mid-sized accounts until I started feeling triggered by everyone telling Rachel how good she looks now.

100% a me thing & I'm happy for her that she's feeling stronger & more energised but as someone who got engaged roughly the same time as her but didn't lose weight for my wedding it's made me feel very icky.

My husband bought me a waterproof phone holder that sticks to the wall so I can watch Netflix in there! Definitely recommend

The way I literally laughed out loud... she pauses at the end in way that makes you think it's gonna be funny / clever / a pun drop but nope just "some people like them .... and some people don't" 😂😂

Just curious if you were able to get a better diagnosis or if you've noticed you've been treated any differently as a man with adhd so far?

I still feel its very stigmatised for women. My manager (who is a woman in her 50s) was told by her friend of 2 decades that she's just had a diagnosis & its helping her so much. My managers response was "well, I just think its very silly & trendy to get an adhd diagnosis now a days & she seemed fine before" 🙄

You can imagine why I haven't told anyone at my work.

Jeff wrote on Maples IG 21 hours ago (the picture with him & her) that he misses his little girl 👀


I get the feeling they block to remove tags in the quickest way

This ^ and also ... When did Jag & Chris start re-following eachother? 🤔

Info: I don't watch this show so pls help me out... Is the cosplay they wore tonight a real life couple on RHONY? or just two separate people in the show?

Did you feel this way at the beginning of the relationship? A common theme I've seen with adhders is we're like rabbits at the beginning due to all the amazing chemicals flying about from being with someone new but then that stops and we try to make ourselves "do the deed" when we no longer really want to & that then creates an aversion.

How to wallpaper over all the problems in your life including:

"uh oh, my bf is a racist"

"uh oh, I hid my racist bf for two years but now I need the content of being engaged"

"uh oh, my friends don't want to drink all night with me on a week night"

Probably upset that she didn't get an invite to the cinema viewings

Leo's not there right? Has he met with Jag & Jeff since the breakup .... Since they post together a lot I assume he sided with Chris

When I'm eating string beans & they sort of squeak against my teeth 💀

On the same vein ... fuzzy peach skin 🍑

"I don't want farmhouse ... I want magic"

Seems to be a direct hit from Rach on Noelle's style.

I shouldn't be but I'm so surprised they don't wear protective gear other than helmets when they ride. I heard that even for short journeys it's a big no no in the biking communities.

Rach: Puts on her cosplay pink overalls, takes tools off of paid professionals "watch me build & decorate everything in my apartment"

Also Rach: "I can't follow IKEA instructions so watch my assistant put this table together"

Join a walking group? You can check out for other activies in your area. That way you can practice having conversations, stay active & if there's some nice people maybe even make a friend or two.

It's easier to talk to people when you have things to talk about! When my colleagues at work ask me how my weekend was & I did nothing all weekend I can only really ask about there's.... you can also Youtube the Art of Conversation to give yourself some tips with leading questions & answers with branches.

Small steps everyday will take you in the right direction.


I've never seen reddit so unified on a thread.

Just to add ... if she loves wedding dresses soooo much there's literally nothing stopping her from pretending she's getting married & trying them on in a store OR going to a thrift shop where they are often donated.

This was nothing about a love of dresses and everything about wanting to picture herself in your shoes. Not saying she wants to bone her son but she certainly doesn't want you having the limelight. The fact that your soon to be husband has made these demands to try & "make peace" suggests to me he's used to his Mom & covering for her bullshit.

You'll likely become the DIL that everyone rolls their eyes at, speaks about when you leave the room & generally put up with for the sake of the grandkids.