Mike deGrasse Tyson!🤣🤣

Maybe 2 years? Good luck and however long it takes it will be worth the wait! Yes the pain in your teeth is going going to last a week max. After that you won't even remember you have braces unless you look in the mirror 🙂 But if the 2 ends of the wire are hurting you and making wounds on the inside of your cheeks, ask your ortho to shorten them a bit as soon as possible. This will continue to hurt you.

Hey, that's pure protein, your kitty takes good care of you.

Don't mess with us, we know it's a panther

I'm more anxious about the flight to my destination because a longer while has passed since my previous flight. On my way back my brain is like "Oh we've done this 5 days ago and we didn't die, rememeber?"🤣

Omg! You're so lucky for having that natural color. I'd never change it if it were mine but again I know people get bored of their hair after a while. Maybe change the hairstyle if you want something new? Anyway, it's gorgeous the way it is!

Avocado. Sorry but it's all weird fat and no taste. Like eating a bar of butter, but the butter is tasteless.

Edit: now I see you said avocado too. Team avocado-haters🤣

You are 100% right about that. We should not let ourselves go when we get in a relationship. But I was talking about things we can not change about ourselves - for example, you have a thing about blue eyes and fall in love with someone with brown eyes. Brown eyes should not be the deal breaker in that case.

His comment is really shallow as you know. But you must keep in mind nobody dates/marries their preferred/ideal body type. My partner's body is not my ideal body type even though he is my world and I am sure there are better looking women than me in his eyes. And btw I am small chested too 😁 He loves you for you and not for your boobs/ass/anything else. Your personality should matter more 🙂