ATP B-737

Best is whatever Mercedes Millionair is using this week, worst was probably a church van… I’ve driven a lot of 1980’s Lincoln town cars with one wiper blade and I’d take those over the Mormon Mover

ATP B-737

After the CJO you will still have a long wait while they complete background checks before you get a class date. You do not give notice until you have a class date. It’s a business and no matter how good your relationship with your current employer, I assure you they do not make any decisions with your feelings in mind.

When police departments buy vehicles, they have them modified in a number of ways. For example they swap the alternator out for a larger one to power all of the radios and equipment that will be installed in the cruiser. (My Dad told me when he was in college in the 70’s they used to go to junk yards and look for police cruisers to salvage the brakes).

However, at the end of the day it’s still a production car that was designed for a consumer to drive for 3-5 years, and fall apart after 100k miles. Police officers are hard on their vehicles, they spend hours idling, before being driven in a hurry to the scene.

The Crown Victoria was built to be a police cruiser, so the engineering and production that went into every piece of that car were done so with its role in mind and to take the abuse.

“Let me tell you a little secret. The customer is always an ASSHOLE.”

  • It is much harder to hit a moving target (like someone’s head) than you think it is, so grab the collar of their shirt first and hold them still. Most people are right handed, so grab them with your left and point elbow up, this makes it very difficult for them to swing at you with their (hopefully) dominant hand.

  • teeth are sharp and if you’re not careful you can slice your knuckles open on them. So aim for their jaw bone.

  • the reason people become unconscious from being hit is because their brain hits the inside of their skull and shuts down to protect itself. If you punch someone square on, you will have to punch them hard enough to make their head snap back and then stop (but their brain does not) which is difficult to do. However, if you make them look to the side in an instant their brain will smack the side of their skull, and that is easier, which is why you aim for their jaw bone and punch across. (This could kill them so it should only be used for self defense when you didn’t start the fight).

Do you drive on it, Taxi on it, or both?

ATP B-737

Fuel flow in the aircraft you fly won’t change enough to matter much, but typically you burn more fuel in the climb than you will in cruise, especially if you are leaning it correctly.

I’m not sure if the whole story is made up or if the husband heard a joke and took it seriously but I have definitely seen memes along the lines of “fellas if your wife is mad at you, tighten all of the jar lids, then she will need to ask you for help opening them.”

ATP B-737

The key to becoming more stable on just about any maneuver is to make small corrections that have you trending towards 0 deviation.

You’re getting 300’ high/low because when you were 50’ high to made a correction and then your attention was elsewhere.

Next time you find yourself high/low on a maneuver resist the urge to “fix it” and instead vocalize “slightly high, correcting” then make a small adjustment that very gradually trends you in the right direction. (Vocalizing it helps the instructor/examiner know that you see you are high and are correcting, since you will be doing so slowly)

These concepts are crucial if you want to move on to instrument flying.

Cops too, they knowing lie all of the time and coerce people into giving up their rights.

ATP B-737

Tell us you’re bald without telling us you’re bald

ATP B-737

In all seriousness though, nerves are your enemy, they will never help you pass a checkride or any other jeopardy event. You prep, you get a good night of rest, then you let the outcome be what it is, and you deal with that.

If you went up for a flight and the instructor had a heart attack, I bet you’d get it back on the ground in one piece. Solo is the same deal, there’s only one person on board who can get this thing back on the ground, that might sound like a lot of pressure but when it comes it’s sort of freeing. Remember that feeling, you only get a handful of those moments in a lifetime.

Same, maybe sooner because I’m #4 of 6 children, my ‘birthday party’ after 6 years old was getting to choose dinner.

Because we are still animals and our instincts are all geared towards procreating.

ATP B-737

At minimum we put the end of the runway in the VNAV page and stay above 3.0

ATP B-737

You’ll either die or you won’t

So what’s there to stress about?

What’s the difference between a truck full of dead babies and a truck full of bowling balls?

>! You can use a pitchfork to unload the dead babies !<

What do you get when you put a dead baby in a shoe box full of broken glass and throw it down a flight of stairs?

>! An erection !<

You had me in the first half NGL

A lot of tools. Harbor freight gets a bad rap, but I like the ‘Adam Savage’ approach to buying tools.

  • buy the cheapest tool that will work for the job

  • when tool that breaks, go back and buy the best one.

My favorite is the guy who argues that jet fuel is a conspiracy because it can’t flow fast enough to fuel a widebody aircraft in that amount of time. (Obviously he’s never heard pressurized fuel by systems)

Like bro, the airlines WISH Jet A was a conspiracy

ATP B-737

Dinner is just a pile of cans “can you pass the opener mom?”

ATP B-737

I didn’t even say anything, I was in shock, I thought he would stop halfway through and be like “just messing with you.” But it continued…