You're describing a system way more complex than Fallout typically uses for anything the player is expected to understand and build around. Your second parargraph, while realistic, also effectively makes it impossible to build a character that is good or bad at intimidation, because it basically boils down to "you are not intimidating at early game and you are intimidating at late game". Again, realistic, but not aligned with Fallout's typical approach to character design and balancing.

Too late to get that bus out of there, maybe.

An alarm went off in my head when I heard "The end is in sight" regarding their release date. That's how you describe the end of an ordeal, not the fruition of your proud work. At the time I dismissed it as a poor word choice, but now I think it was an accidental confession of the writer's emotional state.

Anyway, if I saw management writing messages like this at my workplace, I'd be updating my resume. I know big mods require some buckling down, but come on.

This is an old comment, but I disagree. Strength-based intimidation might work in a real-world dive bar or schoolyard, but in the world of Fallout, everyone and their grandmother has a gun or gun-toting friends that will poke your big muscles full of holes. Yes, you can build a character that can bring fists to a gunfight and win, but in canon that's treated as an anomaly.

Violence and the tools of violence are sufficiently ubiquitous in the world of Fallout that your muscles are just not impressing anybody, outside of specific contexts. Charisma-based intimidation implies that your character has a "not to be fucked with" je ne sais quoi that makes people reluctant to piss them off, even if your character doesn't have any obvious means of backing it up.

I just wish the Railroad was more fun.

We have to choose from the companions in the OP, right? Not any companion from the games?

In that case, I'd choose Dogmeat (cute but not interesting), Charon (nothing personal, Fawkes just has more going on), and Lily (never used her; she might be interesting for all I know, but right now I wouldn't even notice her absence).

Deer don't have to pay taxes or go to work. Deer just live in the woods and get eaten, shot, or hit by cars. God I wish I was a deer.

Why would that make you late? It only took 17 seconds.

I disagree with a few details, but more or less like that, yeah. Good pull of a ten-year-old post!

The YT channel has no videos, but it left this comment on another video:

Hello there. Thank you for the concerns revolving around Nuevo Mexico. It's on hold right now. The Project is in a good state, but real-life issues popped up, and I'm not sure if I will be able to keep working on it. If anything happens, we will officially announce something, but for now, we want to avoid getting people hyped over something that is currently on hold.

I've read elsewhere that most of the content we've seen in trailers were later dropped. That may be baseless conjecture by third parties, but if it's true, it suggests that the project started and progressed without a well-defined vision.

Poor girl looks like she's earned a break.

I interpret James as a genuinely heroic and altruistic, but also extremely self-absorbed, thinking that the whole world revolves around him and whatever he considers important at that moment.

Super Mutants help each other. Strong likes when you help humans.

I'm sorry, but this question is just too much for me. I just can't imagine a world where I could like Skyrim.

Sick freak is lucky I wasn't there to track his IP and turn it over to the authorities

I doubt they even know about it. According to the Wikipedia article, Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (no "people") didn't officially premiere until 2003. Until then, it only circulated via bootlegs in Europe, without the knowledge of even the writer/director/producer.

Even if they knew about it, it would never be seriously considered. I've heard MST3K used the TV versions of movies, and you couldn't possibly make a TV cut of Death Bed. It has all the nudity you'd expect of a 70s exploitation film, including in plot-critical scenes.

I like to imagine this show is an elaborate experiment to see "What's the most embarrassing thing we can sucker Elon Musk into endorsing?"

He threatened the school board for their sex education policy (I think), and when he was punished for it, he blamed his daughter. There is no logic to this unless one assumes, a priori, that woke ideology is a conspiracy in which everyone is working in tandem to persecute conservatives. It's amazing how they self-report.

"Every time I see a child I instantly think of pornography. Why are other people such sick freaks?!"

The JSawyer mod is what hardcore mode always should have been. It feels natural (more natural than vanilla hardcore mode) and while it technically makes things harder, it really just encourages you to think a little more about your decisions. Now that I've tried it, I encourage it for all playthroughs.

I'm sorry, but you might be fucked.