Sorry but that's just idiots that don't know what they're doing. Norway and Canada, to name two, have no issues with EV's. You're just afraid of something different. Scared silly.

They have none, the whole party is nothing but low lifes and con men.

What the heck do you think he was convicted of? Why don't you provide some proof besides the usual right wing drivel you're going to try.

They would never do that, chicken shits with no backbone. The absolute worst humans.

We need to start vetting the candidates wife/husband for the next SC judge

That looks horrible, bring back a bigger map.

Fucking ignorant tool.

Oh! Here we go! What a fucktard.

What the hell is that source. Maga born and bred BS. Go get real facts jackoff.

Can't help it if you're to dull to understand, It's been laid out forever.

Should never have run for President

Finally! A win for the orange man!!

Just the one. I've taken to using it almost all the time. Those dried out $$$ leather golf gloves are gone.