100h Alaysha Johnson wore some unique fits at Trials

because dogs, like babies, know when a shitty person is a shitty person. that and the love of a dog is pure and the only relationships they have are purely transactional. 

382 people?!? 175 people?!? that’s a crazy small sample size. 

if Biden wins he *must* push Congress expand the court, (that will require a dem majority in the senate, as looks like could happen). there's literally no law mandating that it be 9 people and the number has changed, though it's been at 9 since the 1869. the dems have played nice for far too long; McConnell fucking stole two seats, and it's past time to be just as ruthless. these recent decisions aren't "conservative", they're cruel, fascistic, will accelerate the destruction of the planet, and set this country back not just decades but potentially a century or more.

i came here to say exactly this. hate ages them so fast. small consolation, but still.

all of this, plus the assholes on the mopeds - at least twice i've had to avoid ones going the wrong way on a one-way street. and i need someone to explain to me how electric scooters that can go 30+ mph don't require any kind of registration/can seemingly follow the same rules as bikes

I’m as non-religious as they come and even I know the Jesus they profess to follow is nothing like the Jesus in their beloved work of fiction. 

his form completely fell apart toward the end...

affirming that this is slavery, as of Aug. 1 of this year, anyone in Louisiana found guilty of a crime cannot get parole. they eliminated it. gotta keep those prisons filled so the state can keep making money off their labor. Louisiana already cages more humans per capita than anywhere on earth. 


don't have to pardon her if you can make sure she never even faces trial...

*fictional nomadic goatherder. respectfully. 

“what do you say to the parents, or even teachers, that don’t share your religious views?” 

“don’t look at it” 

sooooo…we’ll see pride flags going up in classes too, right? I mean if you can just not look at something you don’t agree with.

editing to add /s just to be sure. I know these people are christo-fascist trash. 


respectfully, can we please stop posting this particular person? it’s crystal clear now how often he uses that word, and he won’t face any consequence for doing it; quite the contrary, really.  for those of us in the community he’s slurring, seeing that word is always a gut punch. 

it's not too late. the best thing about running, especially long distance, is that you can do it your entire life; all you need is a pair of trainers and you're off. if you feel like your passion for soccer is waning, give track or something else a shot. where i live, high school soccer is a fall sport, so you could easily do track in the winter (if available) and spring. and as chockobumlick said, track is primarily an individual sport, and you can see in black-and-white if you're improving. if you think you'd prefer that over a team sport, get a good pair of trainers and go for it :)

we had 53 girls come out this season, most ever. our AD was pushing us to get down to 45 because that’s the max on a bus, but I fought her hard - for one thing, it’s an equity issue: every other spring sport at our school does tryouts, and at least a couple of them (tennis, lax) you’re not making the team unless you’ve been playing for years. 

but also, I couldn’t even conceive how we’d make cuts. sure a girl might struggle to break 35sec in a 200 at tryouts, but what if she works hard and breaks 30 by the end of her first season? what if she’s a fantastic at disc or shot? and if you cut some as 8th graders (we don’t have a middle school program so we start at 7th) are you potentially hurting your team in the long run if they don’t come back? 

the AD gave in and we managed with transportation. and we saw so much promise in a bunch of kids we are confident will return next year. 

she's embarrassing herself.

and contributing mightily to the erasure of the mostly Black women on whose shoulders CC stands.

Flo-Jo ushered in the idea that a woman can look glamorous on the track and still perform at a high level. even away from the track, when you feel like you look good you generally feel better.  as someone else mentioned, it sounds like your coach didn’t like braids and lied to you about why you shouldn’t have them :/

I give them the double birds. does nothing to them but gives me a small moment of bliss because fuck these people. everyone I love is in the crosshairs of that rancid sack of stupidity. 

  1. I feel bad for Caitlin; she never asked for this shit. These people aren’t actually fans of her as a player, they’re using her as a prop to add more kindling to their culture fire;  2. it’s not enough to have Griner just left off the team to appease her, she wants the Big Black Lesbian™️ sent back to a Russian prison camp because of course;  3. fully one-third of the 12-player roster is white, up from one-quarter in Tokyo;  4. advocating for more “diversity” on the team is literally DEI. I hate these people with every molecule of my being.