:shadowhunter: Shadowhunter

Meanwhile the non-veterans:

  • hh
  • beep boop
  • As an AI language model, I...

Paying in cash because you have so little money that it would take up less space in your pocket than the card. Not wallet, because you cant afford one.

The racist genie, liloupar, had actual character growth and learns that not all desert dwellers are bad thanks to the efforts of Jeht. Jeht doesn't even remark on liloupar's racism because honestly, a lot of desert folk really gave her a hard time. Characters can be racist and grow from it. I think that's good story telling.

Like how Sokka from avatar the last airbender is openly sexist. But eventually he grows up, learns, and is no longer sexist. People liked that so much that they shit on the live action remake for removing sokka's sexist character trait.

I suggest rebinding T. For example, swapping with V and pressing v with your thumb so you don't over exert your index finger.

If you're playing dps, buffer, healer, then yes you will have that problem. I play the game with dps, sub dps, healer and do not have that problem. I don't think it's much weaker since about damage loss from buffs is compensated with more dps uptime from constant character switches.

I helped ya

Participate in the Zenless Zone Zero "Stock Up" web event to obtain A-Rank W-Engine: Slice of Time, Boopon ×3, A-Rank Drive Discs, and more, with a chance to win an iPhone15 Pro, a PlayStation®5, merch, and other prizes!

If numbers were hidden, I might like him. But he hits for like a quarter the amount I expect.

:shadowhunter: Shadowhunter

Think about it this way. People who still diss the game still have hope that it could get better. People quit and unsub have given up hope that this game will ever recover.

One day, you too will run out of, "it is what it is." And you'll be bargaining for changes. But there will be no one left to hear your voice.

It's almost as if kuro doesn't know that good service results in repeat customers. Not to mention jp has insane whales. They'd be fools for leaving them behind.

Make dailies near instant to complete. Ex: "visit another player's house."

The game only died because of money afaik. It's why kms2 is still alive while global is dead. They devs promised "no p2w" in the West, so it makes no sense to push so many updates involving end game raids when you can't sell power. I'm not saying don't make any end game content, just don't make it every single update.

Push more updates involving ugc, the stuff they can actually monetize to keep the servers alive. They promised user generated dungeons on the roadmap, which would create near endless content for players.

Create more community events around ugc, like content creator showcases of houses, songs, and costumes. It drives community engagement which helps retain players.

I have like 15 teams.

I usually just play whoever I'm farming friendship with, in this case, just Arle. I pair her with Navia, Kazuha, Yelan. The last two are mainly for mobility, but their strength is great too. Navia for her damage and crystallize shields to keep Arle topped up. Bennett is normally used in her place when I want power, but overworld stuff doesn't need his might.

I usually prefer quick swap teams. Stuff involving Bennett and Navia are fun. Anything wearing TF is fun.

If you still have a bunch of story content to do, then it's likely that you can still earn enough jades to get a dps by the next update. I'd keep pulling. You can also wait till the preview of the next update to make a more informed decision.

The difference is owning a business. The business is what determines what it needs or doesn't need. The business then rents the yacht or whatever to the owner, so the owner pays themselves.

Switching characters and various other combat mechanics are dependent on ping.

Switching teams requires a loading bar for no apparent reason.

The visuals are nice, but the content of the quest was awful.

Yeah, let's split up the work. You go fix the problem while I make a vaccine. Sure thing.

I get the job done. We regroup.

She didn't make the vaccine. Because of course. I wonder why? Oh it's because the items she needs are less than 5 feet away from her desk. Of course. She knows exactly where they are and which ones she needs. She just needs a lapdog to deliver them to her. In order.

oh i meant a char that has spammable skill like danjin


but with higher multipliers


No aventurines. Gepard is holding the burn lc for an acheron team.

Only 28% of her damage comes from her skill in a 14s rotation

I can buy another standard 5 star light cone from the shop. Of the standard 5 stars, I already have 2 harmony, 2 erudition, and 1 hunt LCs. Which of the others are useful for endgame content?

If only there was a main dps who can use taoqi's outro buff.

The camera rotating itself after I specifically turned it off in the settings makes the combat very annoying

just run off the platform and backflip back on.

hold w, spam right click, win.