Yeah, I had the same happen to me over this last weekend on PS4.

The wielder just needs to be defeated, not necessarily killed

I got to lvl 100 and levelled all my glyphs with my Incinerate sorceror. It was a lot of fun and pretty powerful (relatively speaking of course, because sorcerors are very underpowered in S4 compared to Barbarian and Necromancer. I levelled 4 characters to get my resplendent spark for each one.

Yeah, I have seen them since the launch of the game. It's just so disappointing that you can't jump down into them and go battle the undead victim hordes in the belly of the beast. Maybe we can have a Season of the Worm at some point....

Great to hear that you are enjoying it! Season 4 implemented a lot of fantastic changes that have gone a long way in improving the game since its release last year. Blizzard seems to be listening to most of the community feedback, and the PTRs since before launch of season 4 have been very instrumental in that. There is obviously still room for improvement and still many issues that need to be resolved, most importantly class balance issues, especially for sorceror and druid classes. But overall, it's all moving in a positive direction.

The inverse is also true: Anal is art

This, especially if it's late morning or early afternoon sunlight, and you live somewhere with warm to hot summers. And obviously, algae growth, too. Algae don't need much to bloom

So, you're an Ex-X-Men

Dumbass got his Judah and his Judas mixed up. Next he'll claim Judy Garland betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of the yellow brick road

I think that this is what will likely happen, and we'll see Baal's return in the expansion immediately after VoH. But I also suspect that Tyrael will feature largely in an upcoming expansion, so they might skip Baal's return until the 3rd expansion. Either way, Tyrael will definitely be making a return in an upcoming expansion, and so will Baal. I'm also wondering if the hero Nephalem from D3 will be the main villain of an upcoming expansion. I know everybody talks about the Nephalem having been retconned with D4, but I have my suspicions that the story of the overpowered Nephalem isn't quite over yet... As for how Diablo will return, I have no clear idea of how I would like that to be done. I just want a great story arc that brings us to that

Agreed. I hate having to ride back with my horse to collect gold and mats that drop from breakables I smashed with my horse

Histrionic PD is not equal to Narcissistic PD. That's why they are 2 separate diagnoses in the DSM V. Histrionic PD is characterised by unstable emotions, a distorted self-image, and an overwhelming desire to be noticed. People with HPD often behave very dramatically or inappropriately to get attention, are excessively and overly emotional, their emotions may swing from one extreme to another, and their emotions are often perceived as shallow and insincere by others. To refocus attention on themselves or to gain attention, they can resort to overtly seductive and sexualised behaviour towards others, use their appearance through gaudy or very revealing clothing, and be very vocally loud and boisterous. They often perceive their relationships with others to be more profound or important than they really are. They are also very easily influenced and highly suggestible. HPD can be misdiagnosed as the manic phase of Bipolar Mood Disorder or Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder.

Direct sunlight will do that to aquarium water - even a few hours. As Corylover 4 said, an Ultraviolet Steriliser connected to your water intake/filter line will take care of that without the need for chemicals. Otherwise, invest in blinds for those windows and keep the blinds drawn during the direct sunlight hours, maybe also for a couple of hours before and after the direct sunlight.

This gets reposted sooooo many times that the joke is now running thinner than their lips

Have you tried using an electric diffuser that diffuses cat cheek pheromones? I'm not sure which part of the world you are in, but in the UK or western Europe, there is the Feliway brand. I have used this with great effect to manage my 2 female cats for different issues respectively. The youngest was quite active at night and would wake us up getting up to mischief or vocalising loudly. The older one was irritable and short tempered, and seldom let you caress her. I used a diffuser and within a few days the change in behaviour in both of them was quite dramatic. Now the youngest sleeps through the night before waking us up around 06h30/07h00 to go outside. The older one has become calm and very affectionate. She comes looking for cuddles and often sleeps next to me, which she hadn't done since she was a kitten 3 years back

Aiden plunged Diablo's soulstone into his own forehead. Nayrel has had the foresight not to repeat that mistake. But she's obviously young, foolhardy, and arrogant enough to think that she can fight a losing battle against Mephisto's malign influence seeping out from the soulstone. She certainly isn't the first to think they can somehow contain a lord of Hell - think of Tal Rasha and the Zakarum. So, even though it is a recurring plot, I think our own history shows us that humans as a species forget the lessons of the past very quickly. So, for me, it doesn't seem like Blizzard is just rehashing the same stuff, but are simply showing us that the humans in Sanctuary are not that different from the humans in our universe, and prone to repeat the same stupid errors. I agree with you that Diablo will make his appearance finally in one of the later or last expansions. I suspect that next expansions after VoH will clearly feature Baal, and likely Tyrael (who is definitely still alive somewhere in Sanctuary). And possibly the nephalim Hero from D3 (here's hoping). I actually loved D4's campaign story, especially the last chapter. So I am hoping they really make an effort to weave as great or even better story arc for the whole D4 + expansions series.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

I have a childhood friend in the States. We were really close in our late teens and early 20s before he moved to the States to marry a woman he had met and proposed to in less than a few months, saying she was his soul mate. After 4 children and 14 years, he had an affair with one of her work colleagues and divorced his wife to marry his mistress. Surprise, surprise, 5 years later, he cheated on his 2nd wife by having an affair with one of his own married work colleagues, which resulted in his 2nd wife divorcing him. Now he has married for the 3rd time with a woman he knew for about 4 months. I have stopped talking to him because he will not deal with his psychological issues that cause him to be impulsive and self-centred. I told him if he didn't do some long therapy, he would just repeat the same cycle of behaviour, and he would eventually cheat on his next partner, namely wife 3. He ignored me and married this woman. He never told me he remarried because he knew I would call him out on his bullshit. His mother told me 4 months after he got married. I waited for him to have the balls to share the news, and 10 months later, he still hasn't. I keep wondering how willingly stupid this 3rd woman must be to marry a man she knew for 4 months and who had cheated on his 2 previous wives. How can she be so confident and trusting that he would not do the same to her. Blows my mind!

I have a childhood friend in the States. We were really close in our late teens and early 20s before he moved to the States to marry a woman he had met and proposed to in less than a few months, saying she was his soul mate. After 4 children and 14 years, he had an affair wity her with one of her work colleagues and divorced his wife to marry his mistress. Surprise surprise, 5 years later he cheated on his 2nd wife by having an affair with one of his own married work colleagues, which resulted in his 2nd wife divorcing him. Now he has married for the 3rd time with a woman he knew for about 4 months. I have stopped talking to him because he will not deal with his psychological issues that cause him to be impulsive and self-centred. I told him if he didn't do some long therapy, he would just repeat the same cycle of behaviour, and he would eventually cheat on his next partner, namely wife 3. He ignored me and married this woman. He never told me he remarried because he knew I would call him out on his bullshit. His mother told me 4 months after he got married. I waited for him to have the balls to share the news, and 10 months later, he still hasn't. I keep wondering how willingly stupid this 3rd woman must be to marry a man she knew for 4 months, and who had cheated on his 2 previous wives. How can she be so confident and trusting that he would not do the same to her. Blows my mind!

Because with the amoeba, they finally have a functional cell in their cranium

FYI there is scientific evidence that magnesium can reverse atherosclerotic plaques and significantly reduce the build-up of such plaques in people with high cholesterol/fat intake diets.,precipitation%20(25%E2%80%9327).

Suicide by words, guuurl!

I'm confused. I understand why you took a photo of the screen with your phone. Not everybody knows how to directly post a screenshot on Reddit. What I do not understand is why you chose to take the photos at those odd angles instead of straight on...?

And to answer your question, I personally have never experienced this, and have never seen it before. It's weird, but I have no explanation for it, sorry.

That's just insane! I play SSF since the launch of D4. Have never traded items. The idea of actually having 45 billion gold in my inventory with which to trade is just so far removed from my reality it's practically Narnia.