Thanks for the reply. As a college professor I have had the summer off and for the first time in my career I am super excited about classes starting again in a week. I have that distraction on the horizon.

Nightly dreams and nightmares about ExRecurring Dream

I (41M) was in a 1.5 year long relationship with 36F. She has extreme trust issues and had to know where I was 24/7 and never believed me about anything. For example, if I fell asleep while we were texting late at night she would come up with this wild story about what I was actually doing. I absolutely loved this woman and tried so hard to make it work and help her understand she could trust me. Nothing helped and I finally ran out of energy after 1.5 years and left her.

It’s been a month and I have dreams/nightmares about her almost nightly. I classify them more as nightmares because they’re not often good, even if they start out good. One dream I never saw her face till the end and she had these weird black spots on her face and some teeth were black and her eyes solid black. I just woke up from one and her face looked scarred and she had weird patches of thin facial hair and I was at her place getting my stuff and she was yelling at me and I was crying and telling her how much I missed her.

They are not all bad. One night it was just her and I laying in bed and I was telling her how much I missed her.

I want them stop so bad. It’s getting to point where I don’t want to sleep because I wake up scared and sad. Any ideas what I could do or just any thoughts on this situation in general.

I play dead by daylight semi regularly and I am often taking on the role of survivor in my nightmares. I have been killed by ghostface and the huntress in nightmares before.

On doing something scary…

“We could go to bed early and be alone with our thoughts.”

This line always hit hard.

It’s in my top three for sure.

CJ and Mord for sure. I was sad when they broke up.


She does this long over the top fake laugh at Howard.

Hey man I’m a 41M and just had to leave a relationship with someone I’m still in love with. I sincerely thought she was the one I’d spend the rest of my life with. We couldn’t make it work. I’ve cried a lot about her as well over the last few weeks. I know exactly what you mean when you say you don’t wanna hear “let her go” etc because it’s the last thing we want to do. My advice is to remember she’s a person too and you have to respect her decision. It’s okay to feel lonely and it’s definitely okay to cry. But go through the motions, let yourself feel the grief cause it’s real, and most importantly let yourself learn from it. You’ll be better prepared for the next potential partner. Hopefully you have a friend or two that you can text or call or game with when it’s really bad. If you need to vent feel free to dm me. I’m a big gamer too.

Stumbled on this post and love it. I discovered Diesel Boy the exact same way in 1996. I am super excited to see them return.

I know there’s probably a bunch and everyone has preferences but I used A Transition to Advanced Mathematics by Smith Eggen and Standre in undergrad and thought it was well done.

Yeah as I was reading the first I was like there’s no way. It was too well written for someone under that stress.

If this real and not staged. I hate it. Even if it is staged I hate it.

Can you’d link the news article? I’d love to read an actual gaming reporter’s take on the subject instead of just all the ranting on Reddit.


Also I occasionally die in my nightmares. The first time I remember dying in a dream was when I was probably about 10 or 11 years old. You ever die in yours ?


Not all my dreams are nightmares, the nightmares have just become very frequent lately.

Several of my nightmares are reoccurring themes. There’s two that I’ve had since my teens (41 now) they always very slightly but the general idea and fear is always there.

I often am several dreams deep. By that I mean I have to wake up from a dream in a dream. I’ve been three deep before as well.

I have had lucid dreams as well. Sometimes I can take complete control of the dream where I am fully aware I am dreaming and do just about anything I want, like fly. I cannot control the environment though.


As I’ve done more research I have seen things about PTSD and nightmares. Since, I have always been a very vivid and constant dreamer I just thought it was tied to that. However, I recently ended a relationship with a woman that ideally I didn’t want to end but it just wasn’t a healthy relationship. I don’t know a lot about PTSD but I’m starting to feel like maybe the relationship itself combined with the fact that I love this person deeply but just couldn’t keep putting myself through the dark sides of the relationship did actually cause me some form PTSD. Add in my lifelong history of dreaming it’s starting to make sense about the nightmares.

Aside: Most people in my life also think my dreaming is rare and sometimes I think they don’t believe me. I’m happy to discuss more about the dreaming in general any time. 🙂


Thanks. I’ve always been an intense dreamer but the nightmares lately are just out of control. Weed does help and has helped me in the past but the problem is when I am high I get extreme paranoia so I’m not willing take the trade off right now. I will ask my doc about this medication.

Plagued with Nightmares

I’ve been having nightmares for weeks now. I hate going to sleep now. I’m going to talk to my doctor about it. Is there any meds I can ask I him about ?
