I tried to support England in this tournament, but the way Southgate and the media have treated Trent have soured me big time.

The Evil Within. Shining Mikami's new brainchild in 2014. OK, not perfect, but some promising ideas. Sequel comes out in 2017, few changes made that some fans didn't like but generally considered better. All very promising.

And that was it. For 7 years until Tango's death.

Chasing a goal for 70+ minutes and you're most creative player is stuck on the pitch. Southgate is either inept or agenda-driven. Probably both.

Can't wait for the national team to get a new manager in. Might start backing them again.

"Pffftt, his 6 pack is losing its definition", I say as I guzzle down a Pot Noodle

I rarely use the taxis in Yakuza/Like A Dragon. Kamurocho doesn't feel big enough to warrant them, you can get from north to south in about 30 seconds.

Chelsea, Villa and Everton have set a precedent now. Should be £20 mil minimum.

The bit where he offers to clean up his own plate, big fan of that

Tales of the Abyss - 9/10

Tales of Arise - 9/10

Tales of Berseria - 9/10

Tales of Symphonia - 10/10

Tales of Vesperia - 7/10

Tales of Xillia - 6/10

Tales of Zestiria - 8/10

People who don't follow football and have never played Far Cry are going to be baffled by this

I haven't wavered in my belief that it'll click for him yet. His erratic finishing can be annoying, but at least he's still proactive in games, terroring defenders.

I'd be more concerned if he was anonymous and invisible for 90 minutes.

Would certainly be interested to see him in midfield in a non-Southgate system, where he's got Kane, Bellingham and Foden coming deep and looking for the ball to feet. The one moment he has a runner in Saka, he pings a 40 yard ball over the defence and into his path.

I think today was the day I finally cheered up. Love Klopp but Arne said all the right things in that interview and has me looking forward to the future.

Most modern games can't be finished in 5 days, particularly if you're an adult with a family and responsibilities and shit.

If I get 2 hours in the evening to myself, then maybe something like Resident Evil 3 Remake

Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria

The moment Batists put Triple H through that table during the contract signing leading up to Wrestlemania 21, that was it. He was the man.

Khali with the peripheral vision of a pigeon there, just casually climbing down whilst Batista is already past him

I love Mo, and I acknowledge that his numbers were still elite, but he struggled big time after New Year. Virgil was consistently class all year.

Gave up on the Ghostrunner 2 plat last month myself. Got 3 out of the 5 levels needed for Godrunner but just couldn't force myself to keep playing levels over and over again for that deathless run.

Joel interrogating 2 of David's men to get information on Ellie's whereabouts. He'd been suppressing that side of himself for the duration of the game to that point.

Ryuji - Matarukaja, Charge, God Hand

Ann - Fire Amp, Concentrate, Blazing Hell (with bonus Diaharan as backup healer)

Makoto - Dekunda, Marakukaja, Mediarahan

Whoops, I just murdered everything with a pulse.

The Witcher 3. I think it's a pretty unimpressive game to watch LPs of on YouTube, it's only when I played it that I got it.