Crikey! Your very last instruction worked! Thanks be to ye!

Unable to create virtual podcasts

Specifically, I'm talking about creating a podcast from the mp3 files of an audiobook. Before, I use to be able to do this with the greatest of ease, but not so, lately.

I tell PR where the file folder is, and then nothing.... it will not show the files as "episodes" or add them to a playlist. I've tried several different folders on my Android cell phone, and.... no dice. In order to listen to audiobooks as podcasts, I've had to use Podcast Addict..... shudder

I'd really rather not... 🙂

Yes... the almost mournful horn/sirens that the tripods emitted... and the post-9/11 dread that the whole movie was basically soaked in.... still gives me the heebie-jeebies....


"Thank you, Clarice.... thank you....."

"Brave Clarice.... you WILL tell me when those lambs stop screaming...?"

"It's not dog food, it's Fresh Pet.... real meat, real veggies...."

"It's DOG food...."


Not your fault that some women have no taste.... 👏

Yes! It's a fairytale gone wrong theme.

Not really.... practically nothing in common.

Best .... The Grudge (2004)

Worst ... The Grudge (2020)

From Silver Bullet (1985)

"Marty, I'm a little too old to be playing the Hardy Boys meet Reverend Werewolf!"

Gary Busey..... a goddamn national treasure!



Go with Sissy Spacek in Carrie, covered in blood. That would be an absolute hoot! 😁

When I was a kid, the mirror scene in Poltergeist.

If this movie doesn't frighten you, then you do not have a real-life grip on the world we live in....

Agreed.... but even your description doesn't do this little gem justice.... I'd go so far as to argue that the screenplay is Oscar-caliber great.

I'd probably go with Cabin in the Woods. While many of us have seen this miraculously amazing little movie, I'd argue that not nearly enough have..... the title at first glance is misleading, and good luck even trying to describe this movie w/o spoilers to someone who has never seen it..... All I'm ever able to say is, "you think it is one thing, until halfway through, when it completely upends your expectations...." People either go, "huh?", or just assume it is a Shyamalan-style knockoff.

How unfortunate.... 😏


The Freelings wheeling the TV set out of their hotel room at the end of Poltergeist.

The Exorcist

Full stop. When I first saw it on TV in about 1979, it was BY FAR, the most terrifying, disturbing thing I had ever seen.... Nowadays.... well, even an episode of Stranger Things is more graphic. An episode of Law & Order: SVU is more heavy and adult.

I'm just curious how The Exorcist would play nowadays to my "been there, seen that" self if I were watching it again for the first time.

Something tells me, the result would be a bit disappinting.... 🙃

J-Horror remake of THE SHINING... Just imagine the lady in Room 237.... chills