Build Mike a statue if they get Lauri w/o losing JK (low chance).

Sounds like Ainge PR to me

Kuminga is him Moody is really mediocre though. We just got a bunch of guards/forwards that Kerr is going to play over him.

Either he improves to be elite at least one aspect of his game, or he gets traded. His skill set makes him redundant and expendable

TBF most GMs would probably ask for that.

This ain’t the Bulls and Wizards handing guys out for a bag of potato chips

Suns are cooked. 🤮 awfully built roster too

Pels above the Kings, Kings are just idk, meh?

Like Dario. But he’s not the right person to put next to Buddy Hield.

Where you think he’ll end up?

Also I feel like 2022-2024 is his prime. Think it’s gonna go down from here

Does Trader Danny know?

Jokes aside I’m not sure. Ainge is the exemplary bad faith businessman…there are no win-win negotiations with him. His motus operandi seems to be “hold onto x asset until teams get desperate” and their future gets obliterated in the process. Even if he can get one more pick out of you he will give teams the blue balls just because the next sucker will give up even more.

Wonder if that’s a byproduct of being a part of the Celtics ecosystem…historically they’ve always seemed like a more closed off organization than most others.

When Steph told Draymond after the playin loss that “we’re not done”…

…maybe he was onto something. Just imagine 🏆 (ik I’m delusional)

We started 5-1…then lost SEVEN straight games SMH. 🤦🏻‍♂️

What would a Lauri + RWIII acquisition look like? Two different teams…but excellent value adds.

How about Luke Kennard or Josh Okogie as fringe moves?

Lot of value moves still out there to help improve our team.

Think Denver is cooked

Jokic is going to be gassed by the playoffs

Ainge can screw it…he’s not a businessman who operates in good faith. You deal with him you lose.

Gives me grifter vibes you can see it in his face tbh. Pivot to BI/Lavine and call it a day.

Derozan to LA could be interesting but it would be disgusting fit-wise

Ingram IDK he seems like a diva but has the tools ig

Lavine…not great that contract looks horrendous ngl.

Kuzma is the fourth option that doesn’t get mentioned here. Not high on him don’t think he’s a particularly good decision-maker either

If Lauri were still on the Bulls or the Wizards this deal would’ve been done already

He will wait for the trade deadline because he knows a team will be super desperate and he can plunder everything they have

This is what other execs say about working with him lol:

Ainge wants 6 FRPs at least and it still won’t be enough, he’s gonna wait until the TDL when all these Sixers and Pacers type teams are gonna beg for him.

You can read him like a book, that’s what he always does