CE demo is not a pro driver setting the time?

Looks like same exact rewards? Odd

Damn, maybe you should get checked out because it absolutely does happen in real life.

The only extra menus I have left are the ones that give out engines lol… bummer.

It’s no different than the car parts why the fuck do i need a collection of shit I’ll never use. Already have cars that are just a number ffs.

To be fair you could potentially still argue they attempted to break dance with their injuries. However this particular guy actually won it so case closed 🤣

Yup downforce tweaks alone will probably give you a close match, and I’m sure the F1 subreddits (f1technical?) have good info on which cars are more draggy than others.

This is awesome! I started playing around with custom races after getting bored of grinding Sardegna. I simply started playing for fun instead of credits.

So if the placement of the cars bugs you going by driver names/teams (liveries) then you should have given a weighed slight advantage to the better drivers/teams. Otherwise with randomization and equal cars, running it enough times will probably give you pretty much even points across the board.

I get what you’re trying to say but your examples are horrible. RDR and GTA are both Rockstar games, so if you look at what they release it’s still a game every ~3 years, and a huge game that arguably takes a lot more developer hours than GT. NFS releases a game every 2-3 years as well, and personally being a fan of the franchise I lost track and count of all their games.

You’re good! And maybe better equipped lol. I ran that thing a million times and my best was 1:29 flat with 23:18 race time.

I would still do softs, doubt you’re gaining more from the additional power vs. losing traction on corners.

They’re not always 2-3 for me, sometimes they mess up pit strategy or make a mistake. I think there’s some variation like that built in so not every race or driver is identical each time you race.

Yup this is the way. My last place asked for laptop and dock back, sent me the box with return label. I kept 2 monitors and the rest of the peripherals. They specifically note that they do not want the rest back.

Meh not all, I get curious ones wander into my garden and get stuck in there, had to carry one out one time. It’s almost funny how they have no sense of danger and will just walk right up.

Not sure why anyone would want a parts ticket. Let’s get something I would never normally buy on a car I don’t own, super useful. Just give me the cash, I’ll buy the parts that I actually need.

:formula-1-2018: Formula 1

Which teams exactly? RB is keeping him because it’s easier to retain someone than opting with someone new, and then they still risk an adjustment period that might not provide good results.

It’s risk calculations is all it is.

You have to at least admit it’s weird that we are not calling it by what the body is, because that’s how we recognize these cars.

I put it in my tea every morning so i’d probably go through that bucket in a year

I also was not going to attempt it but reading the suggestions here ill give it a go.

With the truck you may need to give yours some more juice because it’s an easy win, not that you need it for the ticket.

I can’t tell, is that the final super license test?

Not entirely sure what you’re asking or what answer you are expecting but the short version is, yes - the company did.

A slightly longer version would be “The company” doesn’t make decisions, management does. The decisions management made led the company as a whole to where it is today.