I'm not saying you do have ADHD or something else, but her comment is, quite frankly, fucking stupid.

Imagine she said "you aren't blind, you just can't see."

Pretty stupid.

"You don't have a disorder where you can't regulate your focus, you just can't focus when I need you to."

Think about that.

:tor: Toronto Blue Jays

Psh, what do Orioles fans know about young talent anyway

Jazz II are rounded like that.

Hey, as the parent of kids who were each fed differently (one breastfed, one formula-fed, two a combination), I appreciate you fighting the good fight. Fed is best, anyone who says otherwise is an ignorant asshole.

You need to watch the episode all the way through, Pat ended up being right.

You 100% need a lawyer to review the settlement before signing. It likely has a clause that says something like "you agree that you have had adequate time to review this document and to obtain legal advice," which means if you sign without a lawyer you won't be able to claim ignorance in the future.

Regarding some of the other points:

These 6 vacation days, have you earned that time but not taken it? Vacation days are accrued throughout the year, so unless you've earned the time, there's nothing for them to pay out.

Claiming retaliation is going to be tough. You'll need to provide your lawyer with specifics.

You probably won't need to threaten or start flinging shit, it's in everyone's best interests to settle these things quickly and quietly. Ask for severance that's in line with your local common law, not the ESA, ask for outplacement services, and for anything else your lawyer thinks you can get. Update your resume, take the high road, and move on.

Or, if there are actual crimes being committed, report that shit anonymously.

Two things:

The whole point of skepticism is that it doesn't matter what I want the truth to be. I want my understanding of reality to be as correct as possible, regardless of how I feel about it.

Also, telling people what they think/believe is not the way to have meaningful conversations. Do that less.

I would be willing to admit it, but also I'm confident that I would never need to because it was so very clearly not corn.


Good news Black Jays and Bird-with-Arms: you are no longer the ugliest jerseys in Toronto baseball history!

I have the Chrono version and I'm having trouble convincing myself to get the 3-hand, but you're definitely helping!

Sounds like maybe just the battery?

Just as soon as it finishes tuing this bitf

Ok get this, and, oh man you're not gonna believe this, but ok so I heard this thing, well no I saw it online somewhere, anyway this guy said that his friend didn't think bats were real! He thought they were made up like vampires or whatever! Like what a dummy, right? Man, so funny."


Expensive and going nowhere. Fitting.

"if you know you know," the latest meaningless phrase to become popular.

Mitch Hedberg joke all grown up, settling down and having kids.

Keyboard clacking is my main, if not only true trigger. I FUCKING hate it. In the room, on TV, laptop, mechanical, doesn't matter. It's the worst.