It was hovering around 32F (0C). They had a huge amount of snow a few days before. I have some other cool shots I’ll post later.

This was in January 2023. It was a really foggy day — I waited a long time for it to clear. This was my favourite from that day!

I plan on getting a PS2 as well so I might bite the bullet on this one.

$325 — I’m in the market too.

I just looked… holy smokes.

Is the Retrotink 5x the way to go?

Where did you get this shell?

Hospitals are where you go to die. Not where you go when you’re sick.

I was thinking of purchasing HZD as I’ve never played the first one. Should I wait for a remaster or buy the PS4 version?

Balsa wood? I found if I put ANYTHING in the door baskets I get scratches like crazy.

I found out too late on the drivers side… it makes me cry on the inside every time I look at it.

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Colorado. It is amazing!

Giants: Citizen Kabuto


Clive Barker's Undying

You should see my doors. It looks like I went through a war.


Great shots! I was in the same spot but it was overcast.

Well that’s terrifying.

Puckers Pass!


Me too! For some reason I had a hell of a time getting those damn heat sinks on the legs. I died at least a dozen times. In the end it was such a satisfying defeat. I love Horizon so much. It’s perfection. I can’t wait for part three.

Spector prime didn’t feel like a boss at all. Easy to defeat staying behind the pillars.

Burning Shores

If you haven’t already, buy the DLC. It was an incredible experience! I’m actually sad it’s all over. Probably the greatest final boss fight in video game history.

I’ll check it out. Does it rattle?

Is that a roof rack on the soft top?