No dim lights were the problem.

Do not look directly at the printer!

I've printed a lot of stuff with when on and they have no effect on the lidar.

And those are not pointed down half of the light is going up and not doing anything for you.

Yes they are self centering and I can remove the springs that make that happen. I've looked at linear actuators but I'm pretty sure those wouldn't be fast enough. I've done some rc flying in that past, I'm thinking one of the frsky radios will be ok for this project. I'm also going to be going with one of the new digital fpv camera systems for running it remotely.

It was the light kit from Bambu, they come in a strip about 12 feet long. I cut it into 18 strips and used short wires soldered on to chain them together.

Yes it was the biggest country music station for years. I think it was based in Muskegon. Damn that was a long time ago.

So far it's still making stuff that looks like it was injection moulded. Lidar uses laser, I don't think LEDs are going to overwhelm that.

One way to tell that that traitor convict mother fucker is lying is if he has a pulse. I don't care if the diaper shitting Adderall addict promised to send us all to the Pleiades through a Stargate. It sure as hell isn't worth the end of American democracy. Fuck that toadstool cocksucker and his simps forever.

I'm thinking maybe on the walls.

I'm 64 and don't remember GR before Amway.

OMG I haven't seen those call letters in 30 years.

Looks like biff, the beef alternative. The same people make lubester.

Should have asked him to co-pilot that thing.

What the actual fuck is with these simps with absolutely zero self respect? Trump motherfucked him every which way but lose and he's still ready to hump his leg when ordered to. How the fuck can these whores live with themselves?

I hated not being able to see what is going on.

You see the smoke, right? Maybe they are just good old-fashioned fires?

Yelling and laughing and singing loudly along with the music and vaping after a pregnant woman asked her to stop. Wearing a dress meant to make her boobs stand out. Yeah, that's the recipe for a lovely, quiet, private evening.

My friend, if it makes you feel any better, Biden won by seven million votes in 2020, since then the republicans have stepped on their dicks over abortion. There are now a lot more women and men for that matter who will vote against them on that issue. In the republican primaries trump typically got 80-90% of the votes the other candidates got the rest, of those people many of them will not vote for trump. Since trump was convicted something like 10% of republican voters say the will not vote for trump. When added up that is a lot of voters who voted for trump in 2016 and 2020 who will not vote for him this time. When you add all those numbers up that is a lot of people over and above the seven million votes Biden won by in 2020. In other words, trump is going to need a bonafide miracle to win in November.

When it is large scale on the ground, they are called geoglyphs.