When the subconscious instinctual part of a persons mind takes control to scream that the god they have been praying to has never been listening and now they are forced to bow down to natures wrath.

Just recently had my rent go up 22% with no better living opportunities in town. Good ol USA where corporations own all the housing and can do whatever the fuck they want.

As similar as any other game with crouch and prone. If you are talking about the diving specifically, the two games are not the same. For example, you can not shoot while diving in MGS 5. The obvious comparison there is Max Payne, although other games have this as well.

I don’t care what the animations look like. As someone who played through MGS V multiple times. The movement itself feels nothing alike

Having the same issue as of today. I use Firefox with Ublock Origin. It actually seems to be targeting my youtube account, because it runs fine if I am logged out running in a private tab. The minute I sign in, it tanks. Wild.

Bought into the hype and spent $100 on Diablo 4. Not doing that for Blizzard ever again.

Less popular one, but doom eternal has a pretty damn good menu track. Cyberpunk 2077 as well

You son of a b****, I’m in!

As someone who first played Minecraft in 2010 it very much felt like a prototype of something bigger at that time. So yeah it definitely didn’t become Minecraft as we know it until well into the 2010s regardless of “release date”

Launch ps5 here. One crash during my play through. Finished the story yesterday and once I started mopping up side stuff, the game started to act very strange, my controller lost connection and I was forced to power off the console… and now it won’t power back on.

So this game might have literally put my ps5 in the ground

My dream is for Rockstar to make a pirate game and give it same treatment that RDR 2 got

My dream is for Rockstar to give the RDR2 treatment to a pirate themed video game.

The game came out in 2004 and the facial animation is still better than what a lot of games do with their characters today.

When you roll a 1 on your athletics check

Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie


Between the early access for act 1 that spanned years, the transparency from the dev team through near constant updates, not to mention all of the panels that always went off script because of the nature of the game, there really isn’t any need for your standard game journalist review. People know what they are buying for this one.

Also, we don’t need a review to tell us this game will have no shortage of bugs on release.