Elden ring, it smells like rot in here

Youre absolutely right spacing is character dependent but i think its also quite general in the term of be aware of what moves you have in a specific range for both you and your opponent.

Being perfect is not what in going to achieve now anyway since i have been playing for 2-3 months and a lot of my reactions are already automatic unless i find they dont work

Yea my current goal is to get good at fundamentals: spacing, punishment,whiff punishment, 3d movement and gathering information on your opponent.

I dont think thats very character specific apart from punishment.

Yea maybe, i just think the designs of a lot of characters are cool so i want to play them all.

I don't think im very good at the fundamentals, lile i know how to side step and punish and stuff but i wpuld not be able to tell you what my 14 frame punish with yoshi or jin.

I mean thats why im asking.

My very simplified way of looking at it is you have 2 players with 2k prowess, one plays 2 characters at 1k prowess and the other plays 1 character at 2k prowess, wouldnt the second player be the better player with character?

As a new player, is it worth learning multiple characters for ranked?Help

Considering ive heard so much about the prowess ranking screwing you over i want to know if its a good thing to learn multiple characters. I currently have jin and yoshi in red ranks.

Well yea but those are general tips not specific to anti ganking

It is particular but i think its kinda cool, being able to completely master something is always admirable. Also you bought the game you get to play the way you want to as long as it doesnt hurt other.

Go for those clean kills king

Crouch alot, switch targets and abuse jabs. I believe thats all there is to it.

I rage quit the game after trying this fight 100s of times on normal. You have better bullshit tolerance than i do

I remember there is an entire sub for this r/ilovedher i believe

You have just summoned an ancient memory from the archives my god.

Thats how you give your kid a fetish

Like: cutscene style, i want that man yo fuck me. Dislike: gameplay style makes me think who let this emo drive a cat. The gameplay is too inconsistent and its hard to get it to do what you want and there are too little moves to use anyway

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I agree with that, the perk is useless. Just wanted to point melee itself isnt useless.