finding a group sections of PCT

Hi there! I am new to this community — experienced hut hiker (NZ, Japan) but new to camping and feel naive asking this.

I am keen to do sections of the PCT (oregan & washington of interest) with a group around my age (30s) this summer and move up into Canada after. Guided or I just get on with it after maybe an outdoor camping course or something.

Anyone have recommendations on how to get started - where to find a hiking group or guide or something? I am solo (absolutely not interested in hiking solo) and just beginning to sketch out these plans.

Thank you

Group / guide hiking - 30’s - sections of pct/jmt

Hey! I consider myself a strong hiker (nz & japan) but have less experience with camping and wildlife so I’d rather hike with a group and guide. I’m in my young 30’s and would preferably not be with a more mature group which most supported guided treks cater for.

Any idea of a travel group or trip company that I could join? Keen to do Northern California, Oregon, Washington into Canada (pct section L)

Thanks 🙏

u/Stephen_K_ what bag did you end up going with!? I have the same question looking at the Salkan for an upcoming backpack through New Zealand and then south american.