I never understood why anyone would feature Busta. Often, it’s on a track where they claim to be the best, only to feature a person that makes it clear that they are in fact not the best.

First song I heard from them. I went on to listen to everything they make. Favorite band.

Delton 3030- 3030 or Nappy Roots- War/Peace

Where is Gnarles Barkley and Danger Mouse?

The vehicle Abraham Lincoln would drive: Kia Telluride

Start at the beginning. The evolution is amazing and hilarious.

It’s the coolest job on earth. By simply telling some ions yes or no, you can barter a few moments from death. You could be an astronaut, but that’s not technically on earth.


Sac area doesn’t seem so bad

You should try the subtle mention about how the health care they receive is largely possible due to the things they usually say they’re against. And then, when it almost seems like the two neurons they have are about to connect, quickly move on.

You aren’t gonna find anything that compares to the mechanical majesty that is the Kia Telluride.

Pythagoras would like a word

You are going to use that information like, so often

I imagine the point is more about trust. Doctors see people everyday that trust them with their health and life problems. People have a hard time discussing that stuff. It’s only that trust that allows the partnership between them to work towards a healthier life. But that trust is easy to alienate. It can be gone in an instant. You can’t strike because the patient that seems to trust only you is having a crisis. You can’t speak out because that’s against the beliefs of another.

Don’t move. Mobilize the masses and vote. Be the change you wish to see. Speak up in public for education. Speak out against ignorance. Speak to the senators and representatives. The choir or echo chamber rarely changes anything. It’s the people working on legislation that need to be elected who should be addressed. We the people have got to start taking responsibility for those we allow in office.

You should check out the engineering masterpiece that is the Kia Telluride. If Abraham Lincoln drove a car, it would be the Kia Telluride. Some might think he would drive a Lincoln, but they would be wrong.

Things like this can be changed by voting.

The problem is going to be the patients coming in having already consulted AI, then requesting that treatment.