We have a “Tribble” we got at a Star Trek convention. It’s a little square the same size as our bun but no feet and ears. And it vibrates and makes a coo-ing noise when you touch it (or we recently discovered loud noises like a hand clap will activate it as well). Our bun thinks it’s alive. He, well, he’s neutered, but it’s pretty much his sex toy. He goes through phases where he humps it, a lot. And it responds/vibrates and coos. This was not intentional- we just kind of put it there to see what he would do. But honestly it’s kind of his best friend. We tried to bond him with another bun but she was no where near as submissive and I think it may have set the stage for bonding difficulties if we bring home a friend that is not entirely submissive as the tribble…

The tall thing in the back might be too much- they just need room to move around and hop. I think they are supposed to be able to take like 4-5 hops in their enclosure. We kept ours in something like a 4x4 while he was a baby and leaked all the time - had a tarp down so every time he leaked we’d put him in the litter box. With that setup it might be hard to see the little puddles of pee. I would suggest simplifying. A litter box/hay water and a toy is pretty sufficient just starting out.

Massage and I always try to get my bun to drink water - like using a rabbit water bottle if you have one and just putting it up to his mouth to try to drip some in there or get him to take a little sip to get things moving

Blood music was my first thought! One of my first fav scifi books. Eons great too. Slant is a little dated but so cool to see all the tech come to life since it was written

Omg Thor you’re the cutest (well the second cutest behind my bunbun of course hehe) have a bunderful birthday!!!!🥳

GD I always thought it was just a nuisance to everyone in such a confined space. I don’t know why I never considered the whole fire thing - what a nightmare. I can’t believe people still try to do that - ugh.

That was a long way to get to ‘a salt and battery’ but well worth it 😂😂😂

When we took the Cardinal 2 years ago- the list of announcements that the conductor had to make was like omg I still remember what he said: 1- “no sleeping in the luggage racks” 2- “no one wants to see what the good lord gave ya so pull up your pants. If your pants are below your knees you will be asked to wear a belt and the staff will provide one for you” 3- “if you mess up the bathroom beyond repair you will no longer have a bathroom to use for the remainder of the trip” 4- masks were still required at the time - “we require masks unless you are actively eating. Leaving food stuck to your lip for 8 hours is not actively eating. Wear your mask.”

I totally felt for the staff by the end of our trip. Just so many inconsiderate people.

So sorry for your loss - binky free Stuart ❤️🐰🌈

Is that just the rabbit fridge? Or do the hoomins also eat…or did the rabbits eat all the food….???

Well that’s adorable

They also sell a baseball helmet full of nachos and all the toppings and I’m pretty sure you can also get a baseball helmet full of ice cream. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

This is awesome thank you