I love that he never gives up the attitude even in character, I thought he was gonna straight up tell the QBs "I WILL take your job right now"

another $10/month

you answered your own question

Okay so that's his lawyer or PR guys statement.

Did Scottie say anything himself yet?

Home Improvement baby. Tim Allen was always repping Detroit sports.

For the wings it's Ferris Beuller, just saying

It is way, way, way higher than 1%, although I know that wasn't your point.

Discovery, the thing my attorney refused to do in my divorce because he assumed I couldn't afford to pay him for a trial.

Bro there are rural parts of Michigan where it takes an extra week to get an Amazon order, nevermind a Dakota state.

This is an insane breakdown right here, I had no idea 

Haha New York optimism literally knows no bounds when ball isn't being played yet 

All humans in Philly get worse as the world turns.

Did this post get sarcastically upvoted??

Have you tried golfing 85 hours a week since you were 2 years old?

Paramount was like that for me when it first launched. I just put my eye patch back on to watch Star Trek and stuff until they made it better.

I'm just in here to point out to OP that your kicker might not even be top 10 of things you should be worried about this year lol

Did you see Wahlberg on the manningcast though? Live personality of a wet turnip.

Why the hell did you get downvoted?? 

Tomlinson is objectively the best female comic right now.