How about more tax and an NHS that continues to crumble.

Which is the most likely answer.

The NHS is fundamentally broken, throwing money at it will result in it STILL being broken but the money is gone.

 If by 2029 immigration has gone down to <=100k, what have Farage or the Tories for that matter got left to run a campaign on?

Can’t speak for the Conservatives (who knows what they might do), but Reform would disappear overnight.

If you get 2 or more elections from now and Labour don’t resolve this, then Reform will become an established party with much broader appeal.

 14% for reform is hardly a ringing endorsement of the right wing now, is it?

14% that the Conservatives NEED, 

That 14% cost them roughly 100 seats!

If you want Left, you’ll vote Labour or even LibDem.

None of these increased their vote share, they didn’t gain more voters which is what would happen IF those voters wanted more left wing.

The conservatives will go right or disappear.

 they lost just as many voters to Labour mate

Labour got fewer votes than in 2019.

So that’s wrong. Labour has lost voters since the last election.

The Conservatives however have haemorrhaged voters either to reform (costing the roughly 100 seats) or to stay homes.

This is not an endorsement of Labour but a (well deserved) repudiation of the conservatives.

Yes, the conservatives lost because they were too right wing.

That’s why their voters have gone over to Reform, you know, because the Conservatives were too right wing.

It’s an attempt to move power away from the demos (which don’t really support the lefts policies) and into institutions which the left controls.

It’s rule by elites, and not in the “were the very best/most capable” type of elite, it’s the ruling elite.

It’s always the chosen experts of the elites, those that agree with whatever they want.

Surely if someone is voting for a fascist that makes them one no?

Also what do you mean by fascist?

 The problem with Reform is that it's a nasty little collection of fash

14% of the country are fascist?

Roughly 4.5 million people?

The only answer is to become Christians.

“ There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”


Identity politics?

This is going to be straight up sectarianism.

Watch Labour do nothing about this.

In every banana republic, it’s never politicians doing the prosecuting.

There is always some fig leaf of legitimacy, some veneer of plausible deniability.

This commission you talk of, will be appointed by the government, with people picked by the government, who are the politicians, going after their political rivals.

Labour and the Conservatives (LibDems too) are for all intents the same, their policies are the same, their response to this problem is the same.

They are the Uniparty.

And they have the support of the establishment media.

Yes, that’s a great idea, going after your political opposition with the state apparatus.

Nothing bad could come from that.

2029 when…Reform get into office: “Were going after all the Labour politicians who deserve to be weary orange jumpsuits”.

That seems like a BRILLIANT precedent to set.

Don’t vote for them for starters.

Don't listen to the smear jobs from the Uniparty media.

Support (with your wallet and your mouth) politicians/parties who genuinely want to deal with this.

Excluding the Conservatives (because they’ve consistently lied/failed) support politicians and parties calling for an end to mass immigration.

Lol, the electoral commission.

If they won’t stop muslim gangs raping girls in Rochford, they won’t do a damn thing about them taking over parliament and the institutions.

And what’s more, the insane left are going to help them.

 man does anyone vet their sources or anything anymore

Not really.

Politics season in the US and UK.

There is a stream of smear pieces pouring out from most of the mainstream media and papers.

Every time I look at the actual tweet, or recording, or video it’s nothing, either totally taken out of context or a straight up lie.

And then of course people just start parroting what the article or hit pieces say.

It’s 2024 (current year), we don’t really need journalists to tell us what to think, we have look at the original stuff ourselves fairly easily.

Mass immigration temporarily bumped up GDP to paper over the reality of a flatlined economy.

There was a shortage of underpaid workers and they didn’t want to raise wages for Brits. 

 It’s not a conspiracy, pretty well known.

You knew this already.

Labour, Conservatives, LibDems are all on the same page about mass immigration (both legal and illegal) and they want it to continue.

The Conservatives paid lip service to the issue and did the opposite.

Labour has mumbled just enough about the issue to confuse people while also covering their arse.

And I just assume that the LibDems want us to hand off immigration to the EU.

There is no practical difference between the three of them, they’re one party for outcomes.

MRA types?

Advocating equal treatment for men in the legal system, family law and other areas in this country is controlling women’s bodies is it?