Unfortunately, sounds like it would be the GPU that's the issue then.

I've been playing MMOs since 2002. I've even been in a few guilds and talked to those people regularly. But as I get older I want to relax more as I play, so I don't go out of the way to interact more than I have to

It's an issue with their site, not your computer.

It's a new thing that came with Windows 11. Windows 11 had some performance issues at launch. One thing that helped some people was disabling this feature. Many people see it as an unnecessary feature as long as you don't do anything stupid.

I have tested with it both on and off and the gains are only slight in my case, so I keep it on

That's the best part, he doesn't.

Is this the lab grown meat they've been talking about for a decade now?

Adding the location is just a small amount of text data.

I would call out a grove. And that's pretty much the only thing I go to when others call it out.

Yes. That's true. Gaming "Laptops" these days shouldn't be directly on your lap. I use a lapdesk between me and my laptop and that's enough separation to keep the heat off of my skin.

Yes, that's normal. Gaming laptops create a lot of heat when gaming, and they have to blow it out somewhere.

A lot of laptops tend to blow it out the back or sides because it's where the user isn't sitting, so it makes sense that it gets hot there.

Kindle Scribe

It's up to the publishers to mark where the book "ends". If they mark it wrong, it can be annoying.

I don't have those kinds of details on Omegle. Just telling you what's likely based on how computers/browsers work.

If someone could easily hack you just by knowing your IP address everyone would be getting hacked all the time. That's not how things work - at least not with modern technology.

Kindle Scribe

It shouldn't actually "eject" you. It just pops up an overlay asking you to rate the book and showing links to other books. Hit the X on the overlay and keep reading.

I doubt they "hacked" you at all. They probably exploited a bug in the app to cause it to behave weird.

It runs great, but to really play it on the deck you need to take the time to set up something like Console Port addon and learn to use it. If you can get past that learning curve you can play it fine. Might not be the best for raids or high keys, but playing casually is fine.

I'm an introvert and I mostly play solo. I don't usually call out rare resources, but I do flare them so others can find them.

I'll also go to a grove when it's called out, and that's fine. You didn't need to talk. Just show up, tap the trees and wait.

Check your bios first and see if there's a setting for Optimus. Optimus is Nvidia name for the auto switching. You can usually switch it to not use the igpu at all.

As a person who started with Javascript, then Typescript and now CSharp. Newtsonsoft was one of the first things I learned about as I started CSharp. So much better than the built in one.

I agree it's probably the PSU. Had the same thing happen when I had one that was bad.

Is the computer still being used for work? If so he needs someone from his work IT to do it or enable the upgrade for him.

If it's no longer being used for work purposes, then he needs to set up an admin account and should remove the domain account from the machine.

By today's standards that's not a gaming PC. As others said, you won't get much for it, just a couple hundred.

People can share stuff with you on google drive as long as they have your email address for your google drive account. It's one of the "new" ways to spam people. If any document shows up that you don't recognize and didn't expect - report and block the sender.