je wachttijd voor een uitkering begint niet automatisch te lopen. schrijf je direct in als werkzoekende

I wonder if it would be as simple as Biden endorsing another candidate.

ik vraag mij af of je die 1000 van de belastbare som kan aftrekken. zou mij logisch lijken

ook een goeie manier om extra geld te drukken. toch geen audit en de suckers geloven het wel.

nee, 95% speculanten en 5% om drugs geld te versluizen

Same same, 3 years ago, 0,59% (but part of the deal is that they also are my insurer)

true that, i was a big fan (for someone who doesn't frequently watch)

but I later saw a match against Japan.

All duivels were slow during first half but especially Lukaku and I tought: saving energy and make them tired, smart

second halve: Japan didn't slow down and Lukaku was just jogging up and down the field, not accomplishing anything.

then i realized he is past expiration date.

I wouldn't even know how to measure, let alone the following steps

still can't connect that with "woman only gym". I get it, but at the same time "men only cigar club" got banned

but on that 30% you are no longer paying the highest tax bracket, get the no-tax bracket anew,...

so lower taxes.

edit: after re-reading: you probably mean "that only works if one person ears no income, it doesn't magically work for everyone.

it has slowed down drastically. So if your experience is older than 2-ish years, it is no longer entirely valid

But underpriced houses go quickly, evidently.

ik heb een One plus Nord. 4 jaar geleden was dat 400 eur. Momenteel gaat hij niet langer 3 dagen mee, maar eerder 2 dagen....

heel tevreden

slabs with expansion slots is if you don't want to reinforce.

In europe we generally reinforce and pour it in one go.

plastic, some bricks (to support the reinforcement away from the dirt), then one layer of reinforcement, make sure you have one square of overlap and stay 10 cm from the border, get some bricklayerstring, make a (leveled or sloped) web of it exactly x feet (100cm) above the desired level, make sticks with a marking on exactly x feet, order concrete, level using a plank + check the height with your stick and web.

Voila, perfectly level slab with no weird low/high spots.

What has the world come to? next I will hear a gardener discovering a snail and finding it cute!

I find large scratch posts overpriced af.

they are easy to make, just buy some natural fibre rope online a plank and a stick.