where did it say anything about the british gp? it was a general fact

people are hating on your lettuce just to find something to complain about. that’s a good sign regarding your steak, keep it up

if I can just chip in regarding your build, I recommend you try Mutation Warrior. It’s almost impossible to mess it up, it is very strong and fun, while being a simple melee class. And it has a bit of Witcher vibes. enjoy the game!

To add to this, only give advice when you are asked for it, or it’s something really important that should be addressed. Most times people will be annoyed by unwanted advice, no matter how good it is, and just waive it off. We need to get to the point where we realise we need and want help

most probably they are 13, or mentally challenged.. or both

I played with two players that were clearly in a group, one of them had a supply pack, he was calling resuply beacons, grabbing them all in the pack, which was fine, but he was only using them on himself or his friend.

I literally had to farm ammo boxes and use whatever weapon I could find the whole mission. I called them out on the chat and they just responded with lol.

n-am cuvinte, nici nu stiu de unde sa incep.

tldr: m*ie

Atunci fa controllere, service etc separate. Nu te complica cu reinventatul rotii pt ca o sa iti para rau, iar celui care va veni dupa tine si mai rau ca nu o sa inteleaga deloc cum si de ce.

aceste 5 entitati reprezinta tabele diferite in baza de date? imi pare ca in dorinta de a simplifica situatia, de fapt o complici enorm.

nah fuck this i’m not playing on the same planet again, going to fight some terminators

It’s still crazy to me how England can be considered favorite for any tournament when the last thing they won was 60 years ago.

Yes they have great players, they always did, but it just takes more than that. Even Greece had what it takes that one time lol

I have about 50 hours so pretty fresh, and I am having a ton of fun with the game still, but I can already see that the rewards are pretty lacklustre. I don’t see any reason to play in the not so distant future, except for doing shenanigans with friends, although some have stopped playing after level 60-70.

that’s the thing, you don’t have to involve them in absolutely everything. You can and should have something for yourself (as should your wife), otherwise you will go crazy. and you can even end up resenting your family, although I am sure that they would accommodate some ‘you’ time if you asked. this is a part of our lives when communication becomes absolutely paramount

and all of this because there is no natural replacement for kalvin phillips.. what a shame

I swear some people seem to cook food and shove it down other’s throats just to get some praise which they didn’t receive in childhood or something..

Like yeah, screw your symptoms, just taste this pasta I made and tell me how great it is, it’s gonna be worth the stomach bombardament and brain fog I promise!

The thing is that not a lot of people are willing to test a one rep max. Because it pushes you to the limit and it can be a scary thing to do unless you really know what you are doing. Not to mention bench press where you need a spotter and many people go alone and are too anxious to ask lol. There is of course the category of people that do 100kg for fun, not a one rep max, but that is a small percentage and they are the big guys.

What I am saying is that I think there is a group of people out there that could do it but never did. So it's hard to tell. I myself feel am part of that group, I never tried to do one rep maxes for anything ever although I sometimes lift heavier.. I am afraid of injury as I use the gym to keep me fit and condition myself for other team sports.

I don’t think they heal per se.. just that you build your muscles so they can sustain the knee without an acl.

Although now there are some studies that the acl might actually heal on its own.. but it takes pretty long about 2 years and chances are that it won’t. You can read up on that if you want to go that direction, the studies are pretty fresh so you might have a hard time finding someone to confirm it worked for them

it’s crazy how after 7 months you can still see the difference clearly. Sorry I don’t mean this as a negative thing, it’s normal. Your progress is amazing

you know.. watching this made me realise how much I would love some underground areas on the maps. just go down a tunnel and have to destroy some objective there, in the heart of the terminids. No aerial support, just you your flashlight and breaker incendiary.

o sa arunc ceva mai la plesneala, poate fi vorba de Vandal Hearts?

But then there’s those amazing teammates that throw it literally at the base during extraction.

Was dodging rockets not enough? here’s some death from above

pai de-aia e oferta promitatoare, sa nu comentezi cand incepe bahaosul