There are active and inactive car abilities, you receive the active ability of only the car that you are currently using, and inactive abilities of all of the other cars. These appear to stack as an addition not as a multiple. For example a lot of them read +20% tap distance, if you have 2 that read this you have an additional 40% tap distance not an additional 400% as seen in other games. Hope that helps.

Need other things to do!!

It is sounding like there are a lot of people awaiting clans and 2 tournaments per week. We really need other things to do in this game at the upper levels, a lack of things to do may lead to less people playing this game.

I am able to get from stage 125 to stage 2550 in 3 hours, it sounds as though this is user error, not dev error. My recommendation is to use your milk to get Dr Hanz Fuze Box, this magic tool lowers your laps per stage and thus makes you faster. As far as the number of tournaments per week, I agree, there are not enough. More tournaments would mean more gems, and more everything, getting people into the higher stages faster.

I like this idea.

I agree with all of your Tier 1 Selections, I would just add Monkey Teeth (Reduced Upgrade Cost)


I have collected 6 cars thus far, and don't see any indication of getting any additional cars apart from the achievement section reading 6/10 cars. I am wondering, could this be something the sponsors give later on or what? Has anyone gotten the 7th car yet?

I think everyone is anticipating 2 tournaments per week and clans, is there a more updated time frame for this?