Happened to me. Logged in on my phone, downloaded it then emailed it to myself

  1. How do you get over stage fright? I still feel some nerves before going up every time. It gets better with experience. Accept that this is a part of the process and we're fortunate to even feel feelings of excitement and nervousness.
  2. How do you guys get shows? I am in a different genre so for me it was 'open decks', but look for 'open mic nights' around social media in your local scene. Cold DM bars \ clubs and see what their system is for accepting new artists. Connect with artists in your genre and eventually start throwing your own shows. Take pics and vids of shows you do and post them to build your social media presence. As you contact venues they will see your Insta as a 'resume' and show that you're experience and for real.
  3. Do you sell anything? Should i sell something? I don't.
  4. Where do I start? See #2.
  5. Is it worth it to perform live? Financially, not for a while. Everything else, absolutely; exposure, connections, confidence, etc.

Go through some of your fav artists old stuff. I guarantee you it’s all way different than what they make now. Your fans will do the same.

I was placed on my first editorial a month AFTER the song was released so who knows! Keep putting your stuff out there.

To me mixing is an art and requires creativity. You shape how you want your songs to sound. I don’t think I could ever give that up

I think that’s him singing haha

Won’t lie I was whatever about it at first but I played it in some sets and it pops off every time. People love it

Both acts were like 135 no joke

Are we seeing house speed up or did they hear Dom and John and upped the tempo?

Change your sample rate in your DAWs preferences (I think I had to change my to 48khz)

KEEPING IT SIMPLE!!! I used to overproduce a lot...I still have trouble with it. But I tend to take things out now more than I add.

You don’t need a magic plugin to make certain sounds pop. Don’t be lazy. Learn how to do it with more readily available tools like eq, compression and/or saturation. (Trying to be a little harsh to help talk you out of it as you asked)

It’s more than possible to be loud without clipping. What’s your genre?

In some genres clipping even sounds cool. Use references. Are you mastering your own tracks?