I ride my "gravel bike" with 42mm pathfinders on road group rides all the time. I'm not riding with the super fast pace group, but at 15-16mph average, no issues keeping up at all.

MXC and 9 out of 10 cats reruns. So good!

Nukeproof Scout

Couple uggah duggahs should do the trick

10/20/10, Guyutica. The show just flows so damn well, and of course the Bowie. Nuff said

Same bro. Took me 3:15 to do 36 miles, 2400' climbing today. Doesn't matter, still finished. That's a win in my book

Depends on your local tax rate, but in NY, I calculated about 1k for taxes, plus another $500 for registration, plates, inspection, tires, etc.

NY has a great deal right now. $119/mo + 4k down, 36/10k on XLE AWD

Check your local library, they should have some available.

Prison City Brewing in Auburn, NY has done a handful of good ones over the years. Most recent ones I can think of including Haze on and Citra Oasis.


Depends on the bike and use case, but I generally expect to get about 1000 miles on my MTB chains, and upwards of 2000 miles on gravel/road bike chains (as a clydesdale, I tend to wear through chains faster than a small cyclist). A chain wear tool will give you a definitive answer if it needs to be replaced though.

Steve Gelps

This design came straight out of the flea market

Cerotipolar (or however the hell you spell it) are my go to for cheap bibs. I don't wear them for long group rides or bike packing/touring, but they are perfectly fine for zwift, beer rides, MTB, etc. Tough to beat for $30ish

Absolutely. We've been several times this winter already. The outside loop is great if the weather is nice, and most of the animals should be out (elephants are outside less in the winter AFAIK, but you can still see them inside through the observation window). Even with poor weather, the inside exhibits are still excellent. Definitely less crowded, and you can take your time meandering through there in the winter.

I prefer a top tube bag as opposed to stuffing my bib/jersey pockets. Currently using the Restrap bolt on top tube bag. Perfect size for carrying my phone, keys, wallet, and some small snacks/gels. It can be a bit tricky to mess with the zipper while riding though I'll probably upgrade to the Revelate mag tank at some point.

Level 11-20 :ZwiftRider-01:

Agreed. I've had good experience with both Coospo and Moofit HR straps from Amazon. Battery last about 6 month before giving wacky HR readings, but easy enough to replace. Strap is still going strong with 1+year of use.

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This season, following a much better rider, went too fast into a gravel turn, washed out the front wheel, and while not a hard fall, I got scraped up pretty good. Finished the ride with a bloody leg. Few weeks later, clipped a pedal trying to thread the needle between two big boulders on a downhill. OTB and broke my elbow, thankfully a fullface helmet kept me from losing any teeth, cause I bounced my head pretty good too. Made it back to the truck before the adrenaline wore off, then headed to urgent care.

TLDR- riding too fast/above my skill level.

What a list. At least you can play Tom Jones' "What's New Pussycat" on repeat for an entire shift.

For Saturday games, I usually have no problem finding parking on Walnut about 3hrs before kickoff. Fridays are a crapshoot though, as you'll be competing with all the students, staff, etc. parking there during the week, as well as everyone getting off of work and heading right there. The earlier you can get there, the better.

Liverpool HS has a chapter of Becca's Closet, which accepts and donates prom dresses to students in central New York free of charge. They usually do a drive in the late winter/early spring before prom season

The bridge must be getting ready for winter. Nom nom nom